Reviews for Loud Notebooks
Ezekei lawrence chapter 1 . 4/22
Thats nice
Violet chapter 1 . 8/20/2019
This is way too cheesy.
Tristen chapter 1 . 8/12/2019
Great job man
JA77 chapter 1 . 3/26/2019

Lynn: (Reading "Hero Today, Gone Tomorrow") I didn't know you saw that, this was a me and Margo moment

Lincoln: You never know what I saw in my absence

Lynn: But the only one part was you seeing that video with the special effects

Lincoln: I apologize for that

Luan: (Reading "Stage Plight") Wow, have I really go that far? I mean both me and Benny were shy but we did get a kiss in the end

(Loud Sisters screams excited)

Lola: I still got chills Mr. Coconuts spoke on its own while you we're on stage

Luan: Really? How can he move if I'm up there?

Lola: Haunted I tell you

Lucy: Wicked

Lori: (Reads "Rita Her Rights") Wow, mom really got it bad, I never knew she did all this

Lincoln: Well taking care of us had been stressful

Luna: That explains the non-stop community service and too much parking tickets

Leni: Still, that vest is a no!

Lana: (Reads "Home Of The Fave") Is that why Dad made 11 different type dishes? We already established that he didn't play favorites

Lynn: Though in this page, our dad, whose in the same age as me back then, had his dad favoring Aunt Ruth over him

Lori: I can't believe grandpa would do such a thing

Leni: Say it ain't so Pop Pop

Lori: No Leni, grandpa from dad's side, not mom's

Leni: Ohhhhh!

Lincoln: I kinda overheard dad mentioned it and started flashback to his past
Guest chapter 1 . 1/16/2019
I like your story but I don't get why people keep saying they wished Lynn read NSL when she did say bad luck accusations showing that she did read it and was already beating herself up they talk about how Lincoln had to stay outside when some episodes after that both Lincoln and Clyde went on a camping trip during which they stayed the whole night outside by the way your story got me thinking about how people keep leaning on the fact at Lincoln took the blame for clogging the toilet and got grounded for one night during the ace savvy convention but Lola to the blame for everything they did once and got grounded for 30 days but no one talks about that good night keep up the good work
Robin Hedrington chapter 1 . 12/11/2018
I loved that story, it should be the perfect final episode of The Loud House along with Loud Lost Memory witch is another fan made story I think you should check out some time when your not busy with anything else what so ever!
Moon-5555 chapter 1 . 11/5/2018
I REALLY hope this fanfic gets turned into an actual episode!
Moon-5555 chapter 1 . 11/5/2018
Oh man...I LOVE how this fanfic shatters the fourth wall with each notebook title pertaining to an episode!
Also cathartic to see the Loud sisters realize how horrible they are to their brother, and that Lincoln holds no grudge, even when he should.
JA77 chapter 1 . 9/2/2018

Lori: So Lincoln, is there any more?

Lincoln: You might be surprised as to what you might see

(Each sister grab a book, Lucy got "Fandom Pains", Leni got "No Spoilers", Lori got "Selfie Improvement", Lola got "Out Of The Picture" and so on)

Lisa: I recall that moment, that was when me and Darcy became friends

Luan: He got every detail right about the 1st April Fools Day though me getting hit with the pie Ronnie Anne threw did got me crosshairs

Lori: Oh yeah, Bobby told about me that

Luna: You did deserve that

Leni: Even though I did gave it away, maybe I should have known to not let it slip. I promise not to spoil it anymore

Lori: Me and Carol Pingrey did went overkill on the selfies but we did became friends and ended our rivalry... now only if we can do something about Bianca and Soo-yung

Lola: I was so focus on making sure I got a decent photo, I never thought to help him and Clyde made sure they didn't end up like Marty Mallack

Lincoln: You had your problem to take care of so this was me and Clyde's alone to deal with

Lola: But Coach Pacowski did get half of your pictures in the yearbook so it work out in the end

Lincoln: Thanks Lola

Lucy: At first it did get a little annoying but its good to know that Blake Bradley isn't half bad

Lori: Just to be sure, we're you going to lead me and Leni to a cliff and hope we fall off like Tristan did?

Lucy: I would never do that to you 2

Leni: But how are we gonna come back as vampires?

Lori: (Facepalms) I highly doubt Griselda would be at the underworld waiting for us to be turned undead

Leni: (Sighs) Your right I prefer to stay alive then to be a vampire and actually fly


Lincoln: So what you think?

Loud Sister: They're awesome Lincoln

(Ends with a group hug)
Just4FunFiction chapter 1 . 7/18/2018
Aww... too cute!
burtonfan422 chapter 1 . 7/2/2018
This was a sweet, lighthearted story, really well done. Heartwarming I say!
Jamesdean5842 chapter 1 . 6/24/2018
This is awesome sauce. Great job and well done.
61394 chapter 1 . 4/8/2018
good story
Fanfictionranger chapter 1 . 1/27/2018
I love this sooo much! Tysm dude you rock! ;-;
Guest chapter 1 . 1/3/2018
Not too shabby. Kids the master of convincing and breaking the fourth wall.
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