Reviews for Obsequious
ashleecornia24 chapter 70 . 2/10
Chapter 71
lady dark killer chapter 70 . 2/21/2018
loved this story
lady dark killer chapter 69 . 2/21/2018
love this cant wait for more
watevacrazygirl chapter 68 . 2/19/2018
That is... hot! Tahlia wanted the darker ‘taker, not that i blame her but i really enjoy this family man ‘taker. Oh and also when ‘taker rolled his eyes when tahlia is doing it, that is hot. Haha.
lady dark killer chapter 67 . 2/19/2018
omg love this story so much but I cant wait for more and more please
Guest chapter 53 . 2/18/2018
omg Noooooooooooo they belong together ... but wow this and me crying love this story so much I hope they end up back together
watevacrazygirl chapter 66 . 2/16/2018
Oh Gunner you innocent kid. Haha! And about the cobwebs, lmao! Though tha scene between Tahlia and ‘Taker is hot!
watevacrazygirl chapter 63 . 2/14/2018
Oh my god, imagining ‘taker decorating the cake with roses and stuffs, haha! And it seems like Tahlia wont forget about what ‘taker says. Hopefully Gunner do something about it. And jodie parents is here? How awkward is that?
Guest chapter 11 . 2/12/2018
only just started to read this story and love it must say it just keeps getting better
KaneCenaZombie12 chapter 62 . 2/13/2018
Yay they made up now it’s Mark’s turn
watevacrazygirl chapter 60 . 2/13/2018
Lol. Such kids they are. And ‘taker favourite word is shut up! Hahaha im glad gunner has simmer down. Seems like tahlia wont forget/forgive ‘taker for what he said about giving up her child. How are things gonna work out?
KaneCenaZombie12 chapter 58 . 2/11/2018
Noo they need each other damn it!
watevacrazygirl chapter 58 . 2/10/2018
Oh jeez ‘taker why would you say that? Their situation is not getting any better, how are they gonna work together? On a funny note, lol kane. He so hungry that he eat ‘taker food. And who is the blondes? Lol did i miss something cause im not the sure who is the blondes. Hah
watevacrazygirl chapter 56 . 2/9/2018
Stephanie is so stubborn lol. Don’t she knows what Tahlia is capable of doing. Look at what happened to Sable! Haha.
watevacrazygirl chapter 54 . 2/6/2018
Reading this chapter made me search his returning at judgement on youtube. Ahah they do need to talk instead of avoiding each other.
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