Reviews for Perfectly Charmings
Ghostwriter chapter 14 . 3/19
Awesome one-shots. Honestly, Hook reacting like he did is understandable. After all, who would be happy to have their s/o turned back into a baby? It's not like they had ever encountered that situation before. Love these. Keep it up.
deletedoffline chapter 14 . 3/30/2019
I admit I thought from the trigger warning that it was going to be Snow and Leopold so I was surprised it was David and one of Ruth’s suitors. And yet it makes perfect sense and something I could easily see happening. I am glad August and David managed to stop the coach and that nothing too awful happened to little Neal. Those poor other boys.
ballet fairy chapter 3 . 3/29/2019
the charmings take their kids for haircuts age 5 would be cute
ballet fairy chapter 2 . 3/29/2019
The charmings taking Emma to the dentist - first check up age toddler
Grace5231973 chapter 14 . 3/29/2019
What a terrible thing to go through! I am surprised he wasn't sentenced to death but at least he is never getting out of prison!
baratta.jennifer chapter 14 . 3/29/2019
Great chapter and post on Rainn website to help others.
sexystarwarslover chapter 14 . 3/29/2019
Whoa that was deep and so intriguing and you wrote this story so well and just you can hear and feel the pain
aw the boy is one of Neal's friends and poor Neal only want to help him
phew so its not his home life - btw love August and David as deputies
hmm I have a bad feeling about who is behind this
The Coach! uh oh and he's going after Neal
ah ha David has found something more and he's on the case
ooh Davi'd got him now
*sniffs* Poor David
I just want to grab him and hug David
whoa go Ruth! she showed Old Man Zearing
oh Anna hehe I love that friendship of David and Anna
Incredible story! well done
Boris Yeltsin chapter 14 . 3/28/2019
Loved it, despite the dark subject matter. Seen some of L&O SVU, great show.
AnonSnowing chapter 6 . 2/13/2019
You know Emma probably gotten into worst circumstances than this in her teenage years in her past life...
This is believeable for this life, some teenagers do these things.
AnonSnowing chapter 5 . 2/13/2019
Awe Neal is such a good big brother for letting her play video games with him (teaching her too) and even do rainbow road with her.
Snow and Charming... they still have that spark dont they. Sometimes can you write where Snow is wearing a bikini at the beach and Charming is super turned on... and maybe a little over protective since all the guys are staring at her? (Not here of course but maybe in your Once upon a snowing series).
AnonSnowing chapter 4 . 2/13/2019
So sweet! I love how Emma is a daddy I feel like that would have been if the curse didn't happen, but I want more of Snow and Emma Maybe Emma needing her mommy... is Neal a mommy's boy?
AnonSnowing chapter 3 . 2/13/2019
I love that David is the cook of the family... a hot chef indeed.
AnonSnowing chapter 2 . 2/13/2019
Aww... So cute! I like how Emma had hesitation but Neal didn't. It's a interesting detail. Like her past live is kinda there but not really. Neal doesn't have a hard past live so he wouldn't have anything like that.
AnonSnowing chapter 1 . 2/13/2019
I love that Emma is de aged! They deserve it and they are her parents, they can't help it but be happy to have a second chance. Maybe Emma can end up with Gideon... that would be crazy...
Sarah Zitter chapter 13 . 12/2/2018
I love this story update on this story please. I would love to know what happens next in this story please.
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