Reviews for To Love the World
Lacrime Myui chapter 1 . 8/2/2018
This is first time I read One piece hanahaki. There other fanfic about OP hanahaki but those doesn't interesting at all to me cause they all always about romance and I don't like it. Romance is okay but other kind of love? Like between family, friends and etc like this fanfic...So please continue this story. Please, pretty please
TSUL chapter 1 . 2/6/2018
Wow this is great!
Wordlet chapter 1 . 10/7/2017
It interests me! Please come back with another chapter, this is a very interesting premise- very Luffy. And the thing is he might even manage it! Saves Alabasta (publicly) there's one nation, Dressrosa and Fishman Island are two more, oh, the island of women...
I don't know anything about hanahaki, can it be lessened? Like, if you have three flowers growing and you remove two? Would hat reduce the danger but leave your love intact?
Also the sea will always hate him so even if he has the people of the world loving him (which I'm sure could be a thing) he still won't be entirely okay, will he?
... D': True sadness~