Reviews for The Abduction
1tinac chapter 1 . 1/23/2019
Wooo. That was something.
traceybuie chapter 1 . 11/4/2017
crazy Edward...
LuvnmesumEdward chapter 1 . 11/1/2017
This was so interesting!
My Friend Alice chapter 1 . 10/28/2017
So good!
monica03 chapter 1 . 10/21/2017
Oh! Pure Evilward. I wondered if he was in on it but I never even thought about James/Jasper being an imposter. Excellent story.
CrisiMarie chapter 1 . 10/21/2017
Very well written. This is my favorite one so far.
midnitereader chapter 1 . 10/20/2017
Wow, that is insane. He staged it all to get Bella who it appears he's been stalking for a long time. He made her stay in that dank dark room while he ate good food and watched television. He denied her normal human comforts just so he could appear to be the hero. I knew he was up to no good when he offered Jasper the beer. Jasper was a witness to his evil deeds and had to be eliminated. I can only think that someone as evil as Edward would not be able to keep up his facade of the do-gooder. At some point his madness would show itself again. But I guess that's something we'll never find out.
Sukiethree chapter 1 . 10/19/2017
I did not expect that! I enjoyed the story
Bevey99 chapter 1 . 10/18/2017
Well that was really creepy. Good job.
IA0214 chapter 1 . 10/15/2017
Wow! Great twist!
Taylor9901 chapter 1 . 10/13/2017
I want more. You can’t leave it there
EdwardsFirstKiss chapter 1 . 10/12/2017
Wow! What a plot twist!
danielle.f.scott.5 chapter 1 . 10/12/2017
I always love a crazy Edward :) Good luck
That'sMzPeachesTYVM chapter 1 . 10/12/2017
ghostreader24 chapter 1 . 10/11/2017
Yikes! Good luck with the contest!
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