Reviews for Who Wants to See Me Take off Snivelly's Pants
Vijay Sisodia chapter 1 . 6/19
James is a motherfucker I would simply love beat the fuck out of him and his pack of mongrels.
Guest chapter 6 . 4/21
I'm gonna come and beat u up for whatever punishment ur giving these two. Ur the one who deserves it. U, sniv and Evans, NOT ja es and Sirius
Guest chapter 23 . 4/21
And then Sirius and James cut snivelly into pieces. End if story
Guest chapter 4 . 4/21
Fuck u bitch! I'll RUIN u! How dare u make James and Sirius sound like cruel heartless ppl! They would never have spanked him or caused enough damage that amputation was necessary. They just bullied ppl their own age when they were kids. They matured as they grew. On the other hand, snivellus bullied kids with tragic backgrounds, kids who were his students, when he was a fully grown adult! HE'S the fucker, NOT the marauders. Snivellus and Evans deserve to be spanked like that, even tho James and Siri would never do that to anyone. He saved snivellus's life remember? U want sniv to have a good ending with Evans? Fine, have it then. She never deserved James anyway. She's too trashy for him. Here's how ur ending will go: Snivellus and Evans can adopt u and the three of u can live happily ever after in ur stupid slum house on spinners end. I'll come every day to give y'all a spanking. It's what the three of u deserve. Meanwhile, James and Sirius will be living in luxury with their fortune in potter manor. And James will live long bc he never slept with that trash Evans and had a child. Evans, sniv and u on the other hand, will probably have tons of amputations after I'm done with y'all. Have fun! This is what u get for making my boys look nasty
The Unkindness chapter 7 . 2/27
Yes. Finally they got what they deserved.
I would have never trought of Dementors as their punishment. 10 points for creativity ..
Guest chapter 24 . 10/10/2019
I learned a lot of new words from this story, i liked how you slowly developped it
I liked the fact that there was no chliche smut
I liked how Potter changes gradually
And your description of severus' feeling was so amazing that i was feeling miserable for two days and crying alone (seriously) because you have successfully conveyed the image through a skillful description in a way that the reader coul picture it
But what i didn't like was:
The teachers passive attitude
The name of this fanfiction
FIFTH-marauder chapter 24 . 10/10/2019
Please update, this is a horrible cliffhanger...
MUDblOoD chapter 20 . 10/10/2019
Wow, this is interesting.
LovelyIKnow chapter 4 . 7/6/2019
Hmm. Maybe I just don’t understand the severity of “mudblood” but I really don’t like how... uppity Lily is. The fact that she was even considering further berating Severus when she saw the condition he was in and after his clearly sincere apology... I don’t know. Makes me a bit uncomfortable, and kind of leads me to think that Lily is being rather manipulative. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely agree that Severus should cut contact with Avery/Mulciber/Malfoy, but she seems very self-pitying to me in this. The certainty of her thought that she could make demands of Severus after standing by in all these previous incidents... doesn’t sit right with me.
Guest chapter 24 . 7/5/2019
Has this been abandoned?
RottenFruit chapter 17 . 1/19/2019
I think what Severus forgiving Lily will take more than "he owes you one". This is a character that tried to kill himself over a person who beat him savagely over something he didn't do. Using the excuse of Lily's state of mind or whatever, is like forgiving a drunk person for beating his family or saying cops that shoot first were "just scared and thought they say a gun".
The teachers in this are so maddening. Horrible physical violence goes on and no explusions? It seems like there are no students against killing and torture? Mary was attacked with a curse where "she'll never be the same". Snape had the same premise done to him. Apparently he can't sit or walk properly anymore? Where are the parents?
Snape is under suspicion for attacking Mary but is left to roam free through the school. Teachers are like "Poor Snape. He had such a hard 5 years here. Lives in the hospital wing basically." but no accountability?
The whomping in this story is too exaggerated. Snape is better of leaving Hogwarts and forgiving no one.
Emperor Ferus chapter 24 . 11/9/2018
I will confess, I feel a little less sympathy for Mary after re-reading chapter 13. That said, we’re all still waiting for the next chapter. I’m as anxious to know how this ends as Snape and James are to save Lily.
Guest chapter 24 . 9/3/2018
Guest chapter 24 . 8/24/2018
Please make new chapter.
Guest chapter 24 . 8/22/2018
Great cliffhanger. I still love the details of gore and realistic reactions/emotions. I can still see Lily going with James. She clearly see and even states sev as a brother not the attraction that Sev has for her. But it happens. Can't wait to read more. Update soon.
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