Reviews for Lifetimes
GwendyMary chapter 4 . 5/2
I’M SCREAMING! Never thought that I would see the day where Sasuke is being playful af OMG love it!
Guest chapter 24 . 4/5
your series represents spices of life, the school drama the falling in love and everything in you for sharing your creativity dear author
ochibisakurachan chapter 24 . 8/2/2019
i just wanted to tell you that this is one of my one of most reread storys 3 you really do have a gift! hope your doing well. All best wishes
Birkastan2018 chapter 24 . 6/10/2019
oh wow... dear Author, talk about making a move! 3 This was incredibly hot (Sasuke in a police officer's uniform was amazing - doesn't get much better than that! :P) It was so gratifying to finally see Sasuke acknowledging the extent of his feelings for Sakura (yeah, who was he kidding?! OF COURSE they weren't just friends!) Something else that really struck me reading the Ten Shades of Red series was your signature style as a writer. Your writing was so cohesive and distinct; while this wasn't a multichapter story per se - in my humble opinion, your style helped cement the flow of each scene from one installment to the next - which made the series that much more fun and enjoyable to read! this was such a blast ~ once again, thank you so much for writing and sharing your work with us!
Birkastan2018 chapter 16 . 6/10/2019
Awwww dear author, I loved getting this flipped Sakura POV in this installment! As a reader, it was so gratifying to find Sasuke blowing up Sakura's phone after she left the library~ Sakura sakura sakura, have some confidence! I'm glad to read at the end that she finally makes her move and confesses her feelings to try and solidify something bw them, bc without some clarity - knowing these two - they'll probably dance around their status forever :D Finally, it's so much fun to read how you incorporate the previous installment titles into each new chapter in this series. As always, thank you so much for writing and sharing your work with us!
Birkastan2018 chapter 13 . 6/10/2019
oh Sasuke... jealously isn't a good look! LOL~ Dear author, I thought this chapter was wonderfully balanced. A lot of times when I read Sasuke in AUs, he's this cave man jealous maniac that's a bit too possessive and over the top. But the way he was written here was so much fun - not too crazy, but just enough that we can tell this is all really getting under his skin! And who is he kidding? As a reader, I want to smack him upside the head and yell at him to make a move already! :P She sleeps over, wears his shirts, they seem to study together regularly... so much denial! but I guess he wouldn't be Sasuke without it~! once again, thank you so much for writing and sharing this awesome chapter with us!
Birkastan2018 chapter 6 . 6/10/2019
Dear author, Definitely is one of my favorite installments in this 5 part series! (probably bc it speaks to me on a personal level - I am an absolute sh*t driver and parallel parker!) I loved the insight we got in the beginning about how SasuSaku's relationship progressed since Ten Shaes of Red, and the way the title was subtly worked into this chapter throughout,. I also adored the idea of Sasuke trying to help Sakura get her license :D So sweet (and in my humble opinion - romantic!) and made me hopeful for what's to come!
Birkastan2018 chapter 5 . 6/10/2019
dear author, please forgive me as this review is so long overdue. This premise is ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT! To me, it is SO SasuSaku and I can just picture Sakura turning ten shades of red at having overheard such a thing - and at the SCHOOL LIBRARY NO LESS! I also love the way Sasuke is written here - still reflecting shades of who he is in canon (cool, calm, collected) but open enough to let Sakura know she looks cute when she's embarrassed, takes the initiatives to bring her his notes from when he took the same class the prior year - and has the balls to raise what they both overheard the week before! This series is such a fun read! Thank you so much for writing and sharing this with us!
katsumi0003 chapter 24 . 4/4/2019
Love it! Thank you so much for writing a happy ending in ten shades of red! :)
katsumi0003 chapter 21 . 4/4/2019
Oh no! I wanna read how their date goes xD
katsumi0003 chapter 13 . 4/4/2019
Jealous sasuke! Kyaaaaa! My heart can't take so much fluff omg
katsumi0003 chapter 12 . 4/4/2019
I thought they're going to elope xD
katsumi0003 chapter 8 . 4/4/2019
This is so beautiful huhu it made me teary eyed
katsumi0003 chapter 7 . 4/3/2019
Kyaaa i love this chapter and i'm very happy you made naruto's parents and sasuke's family alive T_T i'm so happy, in some AU fics the author makes them dead
katsumi0003 chapter 5 . 4/3/2019
This chapter is hilarious and embarassing xD
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