Reviews for Screwtape on gay marriage
thunderbird shadow chapter 1 . 10/9/2018
Mind you, the demons would stir up the radical gays every now and then just to give credibility. Still, interesting food for thought.
Passerby chapter 1 . 9/27/2018
A puerile perversion Lewis would never have contemplated.

Same-sex sex is entirely wrong,and I say this as a person who has never been attach value to a weakness for the practice is entirely harmful to anyone who does pretend that justified and necessary condemnation of practices is somehow an attack on the persons of those most in need of being pressured to end those practices is nothing but an appeal to their vanity.
RANLx chapter 1 . 9/3/2018
Veri n1c3nl7st0riMf
YJFiM chapter 1 . 9/3/2018
Veri n1c3P4rst0ri6V
Cassandra Novack chapter 1 . 6/16/2018
Very interesting and well written idea.
Deplaisance de la Nuit chapter 1 . 5/3/2018
This is more a Toast than a Letter, no?

Gay sex, and fornication generally, certainly are sins, and all the more as, culturally, they have become all bound up in the definition of self. "What gets my motor running" becomes "who I am at the most sacrosanct core of my being." But you have the destructive reaction of the church pegged.
Noctus Fury chapter 1 . 3/6/2018
God does care about homosexuals but doesn't agree with the path to sin that they're taking. We are supposed to take that route as well. Unfortunately our hate for the sin ends up getting transferred to the person, and, as a result, ends up causing massive damage - much to the delight of the father below.

God doesn't mind homosexuals in the church so long as they don't force or cause the Church to compromise on the Truth. Or vice versa. God gave them free choice, but he hopes that they will have their eyes opened to the type of sex that God originally intended it to be.

Great and gutsy fanfic, my friend. Especially since many people would've probably drowned you with hate mail. lol XD

Double kudos! XD

Noctus Fury
greenspitball chapter 1 . 1/26/2018
Well, Screwtape does make a valid point that worrying too much about Homosexuals is a fault of Christians... sin is a matter for the church and for the person to deal with. A much greater fault is blindness to sin in general- homosex being just on of the many many sins that screwtape would be making use of.
Perhaps one should instead look atthe real enemies of "the Church" who pretend to be inside it and push for tolerance of sin IN THE CHURCH and in the LIVES of Christians. Worse,,, such people even celebrate it.
The real attack on Christianity is not a bunch of people wanting a tax break and legal rights...the real attack is led by men who claim to be on the inside.
Yougottaeatdembeanz chapter 1 . 11/26/2017
Very interesting viewpoint. I don't know exactly how to review, but I liked this.
Qoheleth chapter 1 . 9/19/2017
Dear MA7:

If the "animal acts of fornication" (copulation, I think you actually mean) "in and of themselves have no spiritual value", why does the Enemy set so much store by chastity that Screwtape thinks it worthwhile to attack it? (Indeed, in #9, he actually mentions sexual "perversions" as something worth inculcating in one's patient. The devils do believe, my friend, even if they tremble.)
