Reviews for You've Cat to be Kitten Me
Major Sprinkles chapter 1 . 9/22/2018
I just read the name and the summery of this story and it just made me feel so happy!
1Corinthians 1313 chapter 15 . 8/25/2018
*slams in through the door with papers flying everywhere* Sorry I'm so late!

I love this! :) It's adorable and fills meh heart with warm fuzzies! Needing the cat, but not getting him because of John and Mary is *definitely* Sherlock.

I love how you always characterize everyone :)
Looking forward to the next chapter!

Have a great day!
joycelyn.o.ting chapter 15 . 8/14/2018
Wow I didn't realise I've missed this story until I saw you updated, and then I was just rushing to read it. :) I love how even with the cats, you've managed to keep Sherlock in character, especially in his interactions with Khoshekh! A true intellectual being, if I might add xD But oooh do you think you could feature Molly more? :) She *is* the most original cat lover here, I'd say she can give advice for some problems that Sherlock can't solve, even with Google. Like the kind of problems where only experienced cat handlers can tackle?
Bkpeake chapter 15 . 8/9/2018
Prompt(s): season 4. How would khoshekh respond to sherlocks behavior in The Lying Detective? To the terrible trauma of The Final Problem? Did he survive the grenade? If so, how?
ninewood chapter 15 . 8/10/2018
I just finished reading all the chapters and this is one of the cutest Sherlock stories I have ever read. I hope you do more chapters because I would like to see his cat reacts to, say, Rosie.
joycelyn.o.ting chapter 14 . 4/23/2018
AHHHHH HAHAHHAHAHHAHA Fancy Moriarty being the one to appreciate cute names xD And oh does this add another layer to his shock when he realised Sherlock had cats too ;) Sherlock would never believe it, I think he really would be properly stunned like ööö (of course no emotion would show on his face ;) )

*whispers* I'm sorry this is rather late...
Balloony Toons chapter 14 . 4/2/2018
Oh my gosh, this is absolutely brilliant! I love it! I love how you've written Moriarty, perfect as always :)
I love how you've used this to make the difference between Criminal and Detective even clearer.

I had two tests today, and this was perfect to come home to.
I hope you have a great day!
joycelyn.o.ting chapter 13 . 3/29/2018
I feel like the cats are just being all "He's not dead, I know he'll come back, he said so!" And are not, as John thinks, unaware that Sherlock has "died". The cats in this story seem to be very smart creatures anyway. xD But poor John, I hope he brings the cats with him when he leaves Baker Street (if you're still following canon?) so that A) they have a home and B) he won't be lonely and depressed all the time.
Balloony Toons chapter 13 . 3/26/2018
Despite your reassurances that tears were unlikely, I may have... shed... a few. The cat's reactions are awesome and left me kinda weepy tbh.
I am definitely looking forward to the Moriarty chapter, but the thought of the cat puns ending has gato be the saddest news of the week :(
Bkpeake chapter 13 . 3/26/2018
This is sad, yes. But so very true to cat nature. How do you explain to a cat that a beloved person isn’t coming home? We had a cat who was very fond of our back-door neighbors, an elderly couple who were equally enchanted with him. Spoiled him terribly. When the husband died, our cat would see the wife come out and sit and wait on him. It was very sad to watch. And he knew the difference between a sad absence and one that was not. When my sister joined the Air Force and was gone, he didn’t sit and watch for her. Probably because we carried on as normal.
artemis7448 chapter 13 . 3/26/2018
This is different than what I usually read but it's cute
joycelyn.o.ting chapter 12 . 3/19/2018
Oh this is hilarious I love it! Fancy shocking and confusing the unflappable Moriarty xD Well done Khoshekh, well done indeed. Annndddd I just realised that after Sherlock jumps he'll have twomore living things to miss *sigh* Poor cats :(
Balloony Toons chapter 12 . 3/12/2018
*a wild Moriarty appears* There's meh murdering baby :) I like how you had him react to the cats, he almost seems sane lol

Love this chapter, and looking forward to the next :)
LilyAnn9 chapter 12 . 3/12/2018
Greatly enjoying this lovely story! You asked for ideas... I don’t know how dramatic you want to go, but now that you’ve introduced Moriarty, you can use part of that canon. For instance, Sherlock can say goodbye to the cats before he jumps, or “tell” them to take care of John while he’s gone. They can stay by John’s side right after to help him through his grief. Maybe John stays in the flat and when Sherlock comes back, he’s almost as anxious to see the cats as he is to see John. The cats could “be mad” at Sherlock, too, but eventually forgive and accept him, which helps John do the same. Or maybe the cats act as emissaries between John and Sherlock as they repair their friendship.

Anyway, just a few ideas! I’d love to see this story continue!
Balloony Toons chapter 11 . 2/25/2018
(still 1 corinthians 1313)
I love this so much! Thank you for taking the time to write it, it is absolutely more adorable than I was thinking! I really enjoy how you put fluff into words :)

Also, I've never actually had a cat, but my lil' bro and I rescued a baby chipmunk a while back and it got behind the fridge on *many* occasions. I figured that cats wouldnt be much different lol

I completely LOVEEEE this chapter and am definitely looking forward to the next!
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