Reviews for Old Places Rediscovered
Gw85 chapter 14 . 10/18/2018
Listening to grandparents stories AR always great
SailorChronos1 chapter 14 . 4/7/2018
Thank you for this series of Fantasy Island stories, it rings very true with the events depicted in the show. I've been following this and your Royals saga on Fictionpress for some time and lately I've considered writing a crossover between this universe and one of my own, with your permission of course. Take care.
Harry2 chapter 14 . 10/26/2017
As always, thank you for such a enjoyable tale! These tales keep me enjoying not only your Fantasy Island material, but your material on Fiction Press as well. Its always a pleasure to read them and enjoy them.
jtbwriter chapter 14 . 10/26/2017
This was wonderful-and now I have to try to see some of these episodes I never saw! Interesting that one of them had the ever-present Tori Spelling (who was terrible in most of these early appearances)-and the wonderful Ron Ely. He never disappointed and I miss seeing him on TV. Thanks for a very welcome give of "reminiscing" - I look forward to the next one!:)
LadyMarianne123 chapter 14 . 10/26/2017
It was good to see a story from you again and here's hoping to read more. Especially with that anniversary coming up! It's Fantasy Island after all - anything can happen and usually does G.
jtbwriter chapter 13 . 10/25/2017
That is too cool-I love the reaction of the (too believable) producer and Maggie. And Leslie handling things with that brat-just right! Thanks for a fun read-now what?:0
Harry2 chapter 13 . 10/23/2017
Well, it looks like these fantasies are coming to a end, with interesting endings. Now, to see how these people are going to look at life after these events.
jtbwriter chapter 12 . 10/20/2017
Now that was good-although I don't remember the Hunter fantasy, it really works with the revelation that Burt Hunter got his start through Fantasy Island. As for Leslie getting to participate in the Weston fantasy, that was a good learning experience. Thanks for a very interesting pov -now what?:)
Harry2 chapter 12 . 10/20/2017
Sounds like some of the dreams nearly turned into DISASTERS! Now, its up to Roarke and the others to do what is needed to help these fantasies work out.
jtbwriter chapter 11 . 10/18/2017
Now I remember the Weston fantasy-but I like how Leslie still questions Mr. Roarke about the dangers of their seeking eternal life. Very believable. Thanks for a good read-now what?:)
Harry2 chapter 11 . 10/17/2017
Sounds like these two fantasies are going to have some interesting twists and turns in them. I am looking forward to seeing if I am right or not.
jtbwriter chapter 10 . 10/14/2017
Now that was great-I'd forgotten how the Williams fantasy was resolved. And Tattoo sure had the last word for once! Thanks for a very satisfactory look back-now what?:)
Harry2 chapter 10 . 10/14/2017
Now this new Fantasy, has me intrigued. And if Roarke says that it was for a most unexpected reason, I REALLY am looking forward to it!
jtbwriter chapter 9 . 10/13/2017
Oh, now I remember this fantasy! It was very believable in the lengths this Dr. would go to do his experiments. And the reaction of the village-not even Mr. Roarke can control them! Thanks for the different pov-now what?:)
KathyG chapter 9 . 10/12/2017
Leslie's wishing that Mr. Roarke could resurrect her mother and sisters, isn't she?
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