Reviews for Chocolate
Guest chapter 5 . 10/31/2019
martinora chapter 5 . 3/3/2018
a) loooove the star wars reference.
b) pleaaaaaaaaaaaase continue! I really need to know how Amy gets Lauren! Because that entire thing made perfect sense! Karma deathstar! Freaking ruining her love life
TheOneandOonly chapter 5 . 11/3/2017
Woohoo! Fuck outta Amy and Lauren's house, Karma, you dispecable swine!
Can't believe that's what went on that faithful weekend. Amy's gotta bitch-slap Karma through a window to make it up to Lauren. I'm suprisingly glad that she and Felix had a talk (the Death Star metaphor was amazimg), maybe he'll actually be happy.
Can't wait to see Amy go Luke Skywalker on Karma's ass!
TheOneandOonly chapter 4 . 10/21/2017
God damn, Felix isn't too bad so hopefully he doesn't do anything stupid. I hate Booker so much, it's pretty obvious the booper relationship wouldn't work out. Can't wait to see the drama unfold next chapter!
TheOneandOonly chapter 3 . 10/11/2017
Amy better have the moon and stars in her back pocket to give to Lauren to just START making up for the shitty things she's doing. Karma's like a hypnotizing snake, her grip is gonna slowly kill Amy but she's too far down the rabbit hole to break free. I think (hope) this is Cooperfeld end game cause I'd really hate to go through another Reamy situation (it's your story though so it's up to you and I literally can't stop reading this so I'd read through it no matter what path it takes).
I'm hyped for the 4th chapter!
Guest chapter 3 . 10/11/2017
I just found your stories again, and now I remember why I stopped reading them in the first place. KARMA IS FUCKING TOXIC. I feel way too much for characters and it's absolute agony reading about how much Karma fucks Amy up, and i don't know how Amy is still somehow friends with her, because somebody that toxic should have been out of her life a long time ago. I'll still read this because it's Amy/Lauren end game but seriously, can you finally give Amy some backbone and take Karma down a notch or fifty.

On another note: your writing is soo good, ugh. it makes me feel everything so much (and my hatred for Karma magnifies every single time, because i despise toxic people like her, i've had them in my life before and im so much happier without them now)

Another thing is that you tend to have Amy justify her horrible, horrible, horrible actions by blaming it on the power Karma has over her (another reason I'd stopped reading before), but she needs to get her shit together and actually learn from her awful, awful, awful mistakes. So I'm looking forward to Amy making it up to Lauren!

Also, this isn't me like dissing your stories, i just get really invested in them and I can't handle reading things that cause me so much agony. It's actually a testament to your writing ability that you make me feel so much, so keep up the good work and thanks for sharing!

(also, 'fooled around and fell in love' is great and i hope you work on it again since you haven't marked it as complete)
TheOneandOonly chapter 2 . 9/20/2017
FUCKING HELL! I want Amy to slap Karma and kiss her at the same time because I really don't like sad Lauren but ughh Karma holds a place in my heart and I hate it but I can't give it up. Amy should have really just gone to a college Far Far away. Thanks for this blood-boiling update, can't wait for the next one!
TheOneandOonly chapter 1 . 9/15/2017
Oh god, I'm gonna be strapped on for this journey cause FUCK YEA Cooperfeld! This story's gonna beat up my gay heart SO much but I"ll survive just to see the end game. Thank you for writing another Faking It story, can't wait to see where you take it