Reviews for Ash's Homesickness
Mysteryfan17 chapter 1 . 8/19/2019
YES! There are so few and I love them so much and the ones I've binged the last two weeks on AO3 and now here... my mind has a few now too. It started as one but I was at work and (please be a writer that understands) Ash and Masked Royal started having a conversation in my head, whole new fic and I know it's like the middle or at least not the start cause Ash talked about saying something to Kukui and regretting it because his been there for him and he looks up to him so much and it would be great if Masked Royal would meet him since he missed the meet and greet and so on, so now I have 2 unrelated fics in my head, one partially on paper as I started writing it at a restaurant while I was out to eat but I had intended to start working on one in a completely other fandom as a gift fic for a friend of mine (that one just doesn't wanna come together for me) and I'm rambling with no filter, when I get sick, ill, overtired, it happens, sorry, I'm gonna say good night or I will continue going on. 5/5
Pokemonfan4life chapter 1 . 11/22/2018
Aw, Poor Ash. This was an amazing story.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/5/2018
Yes yes yes! Please upload more fanfictions like this! I love the idea of a Professor Kukui being a father figure to Ash!

This is a really good fanfiction! Well done!
castal547 chapter 1 . 9/23/2017
I love the idea that kukui becomes a kind of father figure to ash so if you wrote another fanfiction based on them I would do read it
Happy Dickfart chapter 1 . 9/13/2017
That was a good fanfiction. I liked Prof Kukui being a dad. He strikes me as a dad sort of person.

Will you read and review my fanfic "Love Me Dearly" please? I need as much feedback as possible. ty!