Reviews for A Flock of Villainy
Jss2141 chapter 2 . 7/18/2019
Awesome with a capital A.
Guest chapter 2 . 5/23/2019
I also like this and I too agree. I was kinda hoping to see the parents and their kids interact longer than a few sentences. And suddenly I ship Max x Dick together for some reason? Please update i
alphashley14 chapter 1 . 11/20/2018
I thought the plot was great and you kept the characters in character. Which is good in any fanfiction.
However, I think your writing style needs work. You don't try to use richer, more complex words too often. Or you used certain words too often. Synonyms are a writer's best friend. If you feel like you're using a word too often, look it up on or something similar. You'd be surprised at just how many synonyms you can find for a single word. The English Language is a complex thing.
Also, your plot seemed... rushed. You could have spent a LOT more time on certain parts. For example, Monique getting kidnapped was covered in literally a single sentence. You could have gone into detail about how Selina found her gone. How she spent weeks scouring the records and her surprise to find that the children of multiple other villains had also been kidnapped. There are so many other examples that I'm not going to bother going over, but you should have and could have fleshed out the children's relationships with their parents before and after their kidnapping. You spent only a single sentence/paragraph on each one. That makes for a rushed story that a lot of people will exit out of immediately. More timemore effortmore detaila better storymore readers!
I'm not hating on it, it has a lot of potential! I'm just giving you constructive criticism that will help you improve as a writer.
Happy writing! Have a good day!