Reviews for A Little Walk By The Beach
HibaShifever chapter 1 . 4/21/2018
awww this is sooo cute author-sannn. please write more story about them. and of course sweet story like this. i need this in my daily life. please dont stop writing. God must bless you for writing such wonderful story.

8018 fan,
TheAnimeWriterLover chapter 1 . 2/19/2018
I don't think you did a bad job, actually! The only advice I would give is for you to check the grammar, but that's my only complaint. I think that you handled Kyoya and Takeshi pretty well, considering how polar opposite their characters are. But then again, 10 years does change a lot in a person. I can totally believe them getting closer, if only for the sake of there being silence and good company. I don't see why they can't start falling for each other during those interactions. And for this being my first HibarixTakeshi story that I've read, I like it. *smiley face*
pip176 chapter 1 . 9/7/2017
This is probably going to be one of my favorite one shots! The characters were nicely thought out and the flow was smooth! You are a magnificent writer!