Reviews for A Change of Fate
Inu-Fan 24 chapter 20 . 4/19
Oh pretty please keep going with this story it's really starting to get good, poor Rin unable to make a clear choice and can't decide between two sides of her heart, that must be rough.

Well anyways as I stated pretty please keep going, your depiction of this pairing is really good not many good writers of this anime are left these days so to find someone with great writing capabilities and a story with a great plot line is an insanely rare find.
Guest chapter 20 . 6/7/2019
keeeppp it going plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Guest chapter 20 . 4/24/2019
Anime-Manga-Music-Lover chapter 20 . 7/5/2018
No! I need the next chapter! I need more Rin and Sesshomaru! UPDATE SOON!
SpiritedPandas chapter 1 . 6/20/2018
Hello, I just started reading this and think it's a nice spin on the story, hopefully you continue updating.
PanUchiha7105 chapter 20 . 2/1/2018
Hello! I really hope to see another chapter soon! Surely Rin won't just leave without a goodbye :(
MarieP chapter 20 . 12/1/2017
It is a very nice and thoughtful way you interpreted Sesshomaru. I really enjoyed seeing it unfold in my mind, and I hope you do end up posting sooner than later. I really do enjoy reading this fic, it brings a joy to my heart in this not so joyous world we live in. I wanted to tell you thank you for your hard work and creative mind in this fic. Hope to read more soon, take care of yourself. -
kakkn chapter 20 . 11/25/2017
Great fic so far! I just stumbled on to it and am really enjoying it so far. Can't wait for the next chapter!
kagomeLove2 chapter 20 . 11/1/2017
Ohh Ilike the emotions Rin is feeling in this chapter. She is so torn between wanting to be with her family and going with her mate. After all she has not spent time with them since back in the village so it is understandable. And all those changes in her life also do add to it. I hope Sesshoumaru will understand and give her the time she needs.

Lol she does know what she wants. The way she said "no" to Sesshoumaru when he wanted them to leave left room for no argument. Sesshomaru could not even speak. You go Rin.

Inuyasha has no manners at all bless him.

I hope too read you soon as always.
Squishyrabbit chapter 20 . 10/31/2017
I am super happy that you haven't given up on this story, it's such a great story. I was so excited that you posted I couldn't wait to read it. I am looking forward to the next chapter. I am happy that my comment help you as well as made you smile.
Taraah36 chapter 20 . 10/31/2017
Awww, Rin! Poor thing cares so much. I know Sesshomaru wants to leave with his beloved mate but, for her I feel like he'll stay. He has his limits and I know Tim won't push him but, he must realize that she has a big heart and she spreads her love evenly.

And yes, her first side must stay, she won't be able to handle Sesshomaru without it. Lolol

Besides, dogs like first toys hehehe

I don't know why I imagined Sesshomaru's inner demon in play bow over Rin. Hehehe
Taraah36 chapter 19 . 10/26/2017
omg! yay! they finally mated and in the place they felt the most secure in their dreams. it's not often that one finds their dream world and souldmate. talk about the ultimate dream of most women.

I love that even though Rin submits to him a lot she isn't the submissive mate. She still stands up for herself and questions him; all fiest for Sesshomaru and he likes it.

update soon I can't wait to find out what happens next. There is definitely no chance of her going back with Inuyasha and gang now. lol
Guest chapter 19 . 10/20/2017
Oh nice, I like how you followed the anime and didn't give sesshomaru a second arm since (at the time during ep 80-something) he didn't have one lol So since this story is about at a halfway point in the anime, are you still going to follow the original progression with the band of seven, hakudoshi, magatsui, etc.? Or is it taking a complete turn from here? Also, I'm a little concerned you may be losing interest in this story. You feared how your latest chapter came out, and it was good, but it does seem a little forced in terms of writing. At the same time don't continue if it's no longer fun, writing is supposed to act as some sort of outlet so please don't stress yourself over this story. Readers will always wait.
Marie P chapter 19 . 10/17/2017
Thank you for the amazing chapter that I just finished reading. It was such a breathtaking one, after having gone through with a rough one. I really enjoyed it, and I thank you for the experience. I look forward to the next one, and I hope that everything is going well with you. _
Traveler1024 chapter 19 . 10/17/2017
I'm so happy they finally mated! Can't wait to see what happens next!
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