Reviews for The Mole
laureleaf chapter 3 . 12/10/2018
It’s the little changes that really make this AU: such as Cas wearing all black. Can’t see what comes next!
29Pieces chapter 2 . 10/14/2017
Oh my gosh... the perils of reading your updates at work is that I say to myself, "self, I'll review when I get home and have an actual keyboard." And then three days later I say to myself, "self... YOU FORGOT TO REVIEW! o.O"

But AGH! The whole garrison captured? Zachariah is such a jerk! I do NOT like what he has planned for Gabriel, and while the image of Cas striding straight into the guard's arms is so badass, I'm just a smidge worried for him... o.O Thank goodness the guys were able to find him. But why can't they get a hold of Gabriel...?

***Update: While rereading this fic today because I needed something soothing, I discovered that somehow I typed that whole review back when I read this the first time, and then... didn't... post it. *facepalm* So, belatedly...
LadyWallace chapter 3 . 9/13/2017
Really enjoyed the end to this one! Too bad they still weren't able to get rid of Zechariah or Uriel but I guess you need baddies lol. And yay for bigbro Gabe :-) also loved how Cas railed on the flannel lol. Can't wait for the next one. Sounds like it's going to be pretty exciting!
SPN Mum chapter 3 . 9/13/2017
Oh yay! Gabriel wasn't surprised to find Zachariah and his goons! He was surprised to find the Winchesters in there though. I'm glad that Gabriel recognized how much Sam and Dean contributed to the rescue of Cas and the defense of his headquarters. I love how Hester rigged a radio for Sam and Dean to have a way to reach the garrison, and stay in touch easier. I think they will be stronger together, since they make good allies. Too bad that Uriel and Zachariah escaped though. :(
SPN Mum chapter 2 . 9/13/2017
Oh geesh! I really hope that Cas' plan works! I don't want to see him lose any of his garrison to the slimeballs that are trying to wipe out Gabriel's garrison. I wonder where Gabriel even is, that he couldn't be reached by that spell? It's a good thing that Sam and Dean are fantastic shots, but since Uriel knows that he left Cas chained up in that warehouse, Uriel will know someone had to have let Cas go. The Winchesters won't have a lot of time to surprise the douchebag angels, so they'd better be quick.
TheTardyOwl chapter 3 . 9/12/2017
Ahh, I needed this. I was in the edge of my seat until 'Lucy, I'm home!' Perfect! You do Gabe so well! Kinda wish he'd roasted Ezra though. Then again, it's yet another reason why we love him.
Snovolovac chapter 1 . 9/12/2017
GRENADE LAUNCHER! And everything else! I'm so excited for more!
Miyth chapter 3 . 9/11/2017
Yeah grenade launcher! Haha, and you didn't even wave it in front of us for the better part of a season first!

Well, good thing these two groups are coming together now, since I'm sure things are only going to get more intense. I can't believe we're almost half way through this AU. Time flies!

Looking forward to the next one :)
hengrimm chapter 3 . 9/11/2017
Oh this was brilliant! I absolutely loved it!

I can't even decide what my favorite part was: Castiel pointing Zachariah at Uriel ... the Winchesters timing of their rescue ... Gabriel coming home through a back door ("Lucy, I'm home!" lol) ... Sam going after our wounded angel who was going after Uriel (hurrying after his "idiot friend" !) ... Uriel and Cas going full on spirit animals ... Gabriel making sure the garrison knew the Winchesters were friends and allies ... Inias willing to learn to drive ... Hester (Hester!) giving the boys the radio ... Gabriel changing the door to the pocket dimension ... Ezra's punishment (hehehe) ... Gabriel's shift regarding humanity. All because Cas loved God's creation and took it upon himself to rescue someone he thought of as a righteous man. And now bringing the good angels and last of humanity closer together, rather than maintaining a distant relationship.

I didn't like, however, Uriel's reaction to Sam as he attacked him and it looks as if your "Next Time" is only confirming my suspicions. Stupid, corrupt Heaven indeed.

This was just so frigging awesome; I loved it! I can't wait until Friday for the next chapter. Thanks so much for sharing!
29Pieces chapter 3 . 9/11/2017
Hooray, good guys win! :D At least, this battle. But it's you, and I can always trust you to write a hopeful ending :) I love how close the angels and the Winchesters are slowly starting to become, and the recognition that Cas is the cause of that. Too bad Zach and Uriel got away, but no casualties from the garrison equals a pretty good day in my book. I loved this episode and can't wait for the next one! :)
Snovolovac chapter 2 . 9/10/2017
aaah, a cliffie, I'm so excited for more!
Miyth chapter 2 . 9/9/2017
Oh, this is so exciting! I want to know what happens! And now I have to start waiting for new chapters D: ! Haha, at least I'm finally caught up though!

And again more great callbacks from the show used in a new and interesting way :D
Miyth chapter 1 . 9/9/2017
Oh jeez, you managed to make Uriel quite intimidating with that wrecked eye. I loved the history you put between him and Cas, and as always I'm happy to see Cas whump, as long as he gets rescued of course ;)

I really like all the little changes you made to the canon angel lore, like having a ritual with an angel's enochian name to pray to them. This really feels like a unique universe.
LadyWallace chapter 2 . 9/9/2017
Yikes, the garrison is in dire straits. I want to be relieved that Sam and Dean found Cas, but they're just running into danger again now, as usual, so they aren't exactly safe :P I hope Gabriel finds out that something is going on, but I also hope he doesn't get caught in the trap…yeah, really bad situation here. Really looking forward to the ultimate smack down! And hopefully Cas getting to go toe-to-toe with Uriel and/or Zachariah :) Looking forward to the conclusion of this one!

Also really excited for your Big Bang story! I've been looking forward to it since you told me about it lol. And I'm so glad you're posting it this weekend because now I can download it from Ao3 onto my iPad and have it to read even if I do lose power ;)
TheTardyOwl chapter 2 . 9/8/2017
AAAHHHH! That's a cruel cliffie!
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