Reviews for It Lurks In Shadow
Maren with an M chapter 39 . 11/21/2019
Wow this story is absolutely amazing. I love they way you handled the grief of losing loved ones. They mystery element is fantastic too! I was sitting in suspense throughout the entirety. I'd honestly go so far as to say that if you changed the character named and published this as an original work, it would do really well.
RememberTSA chapter 39 . 11/3/2019
Oh wow okay I am. Going to die aren’t I.
RememberTSA chapter 38 . 11/3/2019
Why am I reading this in a cold dark basement? Why did I think that was a good plan?
RememberTSA chapter 37 . 11/3/2019
I can’t put my current feels into words right now let’s go with that
RememberTSA chapter 36 . 11/3/2019
Oh... oh my I should’ve known...
RememberTSA chapter 35 . 11/3/2019
*visible shock*
RememberTSA chapter 34 . 11/3/2019
Oh. My first guess was correct... I really didn’t think it was. I ruled out the possibility as soon as Garmadon was brought up in a just normal way... wow. I’m stunned to say the least.
RememberTSA chapter 33 . 11/3/2019
RememberTSA chapter 32 . 11/3/2019
RememberTSA chapter 31 . 11/3/2019
Thought the monster was gonna be there for a second XD
RememberTSA chapter 30 . 11/3/2019
There’s this weird buff rabbit with two sets of ears staring at me from an add and I’m very unsettled. Also I’m dying to know what happens next.
RememberTSA chapter 29 . 11/3/2019
Too excited to be creative gottta read
RememberTSA chapter 28 . 11/3/2019
Mkay... I uh... it’s not based on a Ninjago villain is it...
RememberTSA chapter 27 . 11/3/2019
RememberTSA chapter 26 . 11/3/2019

Thought Jay was gonna get attacked when he went outside but no, thank goodness I don’t know if I would’ve survived that.
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