Reviews for Giving up control
Sanka Malfoy chapter 1 . 5/27/2018
Hello !

I really like your story ! It's the second time I read it.
It's sexy ; I like the idea of a dominating Stiles and more I love the idea of an abandonned Derek !
La Devoreuse de Livres chapter 1 . 9/2/2017
Hiiii! Ow! That was a great OS! I love it! I really like that you've made a Top!Stiles! I love seeing a sub Derek! :p What else?... that was short... maybe too short for me, but it was great. As great as a cherry on a sundae! *p* So... thank you for you OS, it was really great! :3 Oh and, by the way, your other OS can't be read. It's not text but... It's like an HTML code, if I don't say anything stupid! So, thanks again and see ya later! :3