Reviews for Jitters
HPandPJO4ever chapter 1 . 5/23/2019
This is really good!
Hogwarts Official chapter 1 . 9/6/2017
Your feedback from Hogwarts for Assignment 2 (Transfiguration)

Your Grade: 17/20 (EE)
Your Examiner: Jenny (Claude Amelia Song)
Your Feedback:

You don't have any psychical description of Harry and Ginny,but who doesn't know how these two look? I loved how you characterized them. You kept them in character.

The 'meet the parents' trope is not exactly original, but the pairings l you've chosen certainly is. I have never read a story where Ginny presents Harry to the family.

Both the prose and the dialogue flowed well enough and it was easy to understand what you wanted to write.

You used the prompt well and in depth. Though I would have liked to see the actual dinner or more interaction between Harry and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. The usage of the prompt was original.

I really liked the story, it was funny to see Harry worrying like that over nothing.

I didn't notice any spelling mistakes. But I did notice that you kept switching times. You spoke a good part in Past Tense then you switched up with Present Tense. "I don't see how," Ginny replied...Shifting on his feet, Harry blurts out,...It takes all Ginny has not to burst out laughing. Judging from Harry's pinched look, she doesn't quite succeed in hiding her amusement."It's not funny," he says…. Ginny rolls her eyes and uncrosses her arms to pat Harry on the arm. "Yeah, but that's because my past boyfriends weren't part of the family already. I told you, you have nothing to worry about, everyone loves you already. Except maybe Percy, but Percy doesn't really counts. And by the way?" she adds, smirking, "this is absolutely funny and I'm telling everyone about it."Harry paled. "Ginny, no, don't you dare-" She laughed. "Too late. Come on, you know they'll think it's fun too." /

"They'll never let it go, you mean," Harry moaned. /

"I'm afraid so," Ginny shrugged unapologetically. "Now come on, you don't want us to be late, do you?" she asked, laughing again at Harry's sudden panicked face." See what I mean? Also you confused me a bit. If he's so worried over meeting the family why did he worry over them finding out he's worried? /

" I told you, you have nothing to worry about, everyone loves you already" It would work better if you put a semicolon after about. /

"Yes, Ginny, what have you been feeding that poor boy? For shame!" What did you mean with "For shame! "?

It was a good story.