Reviews for Returning in Remnant
TechnicalJoker chapter 5 . 5/24
I really hope you come back to this. It is really good!
king-draco21 chapter 1 . 9/14/2019
Noooo! Please continue writing. One of my favorite parts is the hilarious arguments of Subaru & Weiss. Please don't give up.
deadfall322 chapter 1 . 9/7/2019
i would just like this to continue almost no re:zero fics...
nhehvnukl chapter 5 . 6/14/2019
"Too much water. 7/10"
Its 7.8/10 brah
Also how's its going?
Did you quit?
3812458345 chapter 4 . 5/18/2019
Oh God Ram's gonna come over. What inconvenient timing for Subaru to get sent over.
blaze bane chapter 1 . 8/17/2018
can't wait for a new chapter!.
Tales from Puck chapter 1 . 7/9/2018
a new fiction to binge read. sweet
Guest chapter 1 . 1/21/2018
I honestly hope you continue this! This is a very entertaining story and I just love how Subaru interacts with the new world he was now dragged into! Please don’t abandon this!
KnightOfZaku chapter 5 . 1/3/2018
This is Awesome!

Subaru and Weiss seem to be getting along swimmingly. I wonder how long it will be before Yang starts making jokes about them being a married couple.
TheFinalOrder chapter 4 . 1/3/2018
Welcome Back! Thought you'd given up! To be honest, I was working in my own fic and then suddenly my phone exploded with messages of this fic being updated. rightfully scared me, I tell ya!

Anyways, besides some paragraphs using the same string of words too many times, and some words just being a simplified version of themselves (Ex. Your and ur), I think you did a good job! If you ever want an extra beta-reader, I'd be more than glad to help!

The story- I liked the conversation between Ozpin and Subaru. Ozpin almost revealed nothing about himself or his knowledge, which is a good thing. The prospect that more Re:Zero characters could arrive too makes me intrigued. I can't wait to see their reaction to Subaru being alive.

My main problem is Salem. Throughout the series, Salem has been shown to be calm and collected, and when angered she would go for what would psychologically damage an individual the most. Say, Tyrian for example. He begged for Salem's approval like his life depended on it, and when she called him a disappointment, he snapped completely.

Salem getting upfront and personal with Cinder feels... how should I say, childish? She felt threatening when she spoke softly, conveying her message in simple words, but when she floated over to Cinder, I just felt disbelief. She'd most likely taunt Cinder of a past mistake than express how Cinder kept making mistakes. Maybe threaten to assign that one mustache guy as her overseer? We hardly know anything about Cinder, sadly.

Anyways, good chapter! And Welcome Back!
TheFinalOrder chapter 3 . 11/15/2017
No lie, pretty unique concept. I enjoyed what I read so far. Good luck!
TheRebelSkeleton chapter 3 . 10/24/2017
This is turning out good. Please continue.
Alias the Jester chapter 3 . 10/20/2017
Another good departure from canon in coming up with a novel way to defeat the deathstalker. Do I detect Jaune/Pyrrha ship incoming? I hope so!
So, we're looking at team RWBYS now?
Alias the Jester chapter 2 . 9/27/2017
Really interesting start! I love that you're already starting to change things up with Ruby and Weiss skipping the Nevermore. That shows me creativity than many other crossover/redo fits which stick very closely to how original encounters run.
Looking forward to more.
Guest54653745 chapter 2 . 9/16/2017
Not much to say at this point but your story looks quite good.

Also even though the RWBY world should be a bit more forgiving ... well compared to the Re:zero world as I mean they have a society which is more resembling the one he is used to, hopefully he will will still need to struggle and fight ... and of course die countless times to find a new life in that world.
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