Reviews for Stepping from Shadows
abbyweyr chapter 20 . 7/13
good story. thanks for sharing.
abbyweyr chapter 18 . 7/13
oh my goodness what a reveal.
abbyweyr chapter 17 . 7/13
they sold some of the old bricks as a fundraiser. I'll ask about when go next time. Looking more like Tanya and Charlie are mates.
abbyweyr chapter 16 . 7/13
on pain meds Charlie shouldn't be drinking alcoholic beverages. Starting to get feeling that Charlie and Edward are both going to be changed by their choice.
abbyweyr chapter 14 . 7/13
glad this is completed and not have to wait to see how it turns out.
abbyweyr chapter 12 . 7/13
Sequim gets a mention! Just how interested is Tanya in Charlie? sneaky way to talk with him.
abbyweyr chapter 11 . 7/13
brings back long ago memories of trig. finding practical applications for math does help. not nice of the pack to interrupt their walk that way, they are going to blow it.
abbyweyr chapter 10 . 7/13
tense family meeting, but Gray had the best points
abbyweyr chapter 9 . 7/13
a little headway with Charlie.
abbyweyr chapter 8 . 7/13
The two easy trails from the Hoh Visitor Center are very different. The Mosses feels ancient and very green. The Spruce trail goes to the river and is more open and light. Nice first date.
abbyweyr chapter 7 . 7/13
Walking on that trail one can feel how ancient the trees and moss is. Gray is slipping up a little and Edward is noticing.
abbyweyr chapter 5 . 7/13
So much for their planned meeting of the pack. Kind of a good way to start off...helping protect them.
abbyweyr chapter 4 . 7/13
wow! cool fight!
abbyweyr chapter 2 . 7/13
Yes and canon they lived closer to Hoquiam than to Forks. That is about 100 miles south and 2 hr drive. Forks was incorporated in 1945 after the Cullens left late 1930's.

Interesting that here you have the build up of shield to Gray's talent in the Swan family. Glad that she recognize that it is a friend of Edward that is shapeshifter.
abbyweyr chapter 1 . 7/13
Good start.
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