Reviews for Go to Sleep, Brother
Red chapter 1 . 8/26/2018
Go to sleep, Brother ...the same word, bit have a different meaning altogether!
Red chapter 9 . 8/26/2018
Ooooooo mY... that's something different !? I love it,it's like a season finale all over again, with the tension and stuff!
KathyG chapter 1 . 7/24/2018
Yaayyy, you're back! We've missed you, you know. Now that you're up to writing once more, I look forward to seeing the continuation of your other WIPs!
RAVENSCORE chapter 9 . 7/24/2018
Wow! This chapter was incredible! I love the way you write the Holmes brothers. I’m so sorry about whatever irl stuff is bothering you, but I’m glad you’re working through it.
Angshupriya saha chapter 9 . 7/23/2018
M glad that you are back... And you are over your writers block.. And congrats on coming to archiveofourown... Hope you will update soon
epiffanylee chapter 9 . 7/23/2018
Oh dear, you have no idea how long I've waited for your return! I hope I'll be able to read more of your stories again! Thanks for coming back! :D
Mari Wollsch chapter 8 . 2/26/2018
lovely, hope you will update soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
paula.a.rushing chapter 8 . 11/9/2017
Great story! I think this is a really sad story though.I want Mycroft ,and Sherlock to be able to rebulid their relationship they haven't been close since they were young ,but this might be that chance to change that.I think that to snap Mycroft out of this hyposis that Euros has got him under it will require Mycroft to think that Sherlock is in danger,and Mycroft will have to save him.I think if Mycroft thinks Sherlock really needs him he will snap out of his trance and save his little brother. :(
chibitamaora chapter 8 . 11/9/2017
This was intense! o.o Looking forward the next chapter! -
epiffanylee chapter 8 . 11/9/2017
(Puffs out a sigh)Well well- Mummy Holmes is the emblem of goldfishes, as always. I truly wonder what the heck is so wrong with her mathematician's brain. I mean, she has a very hard time seeing that Mycroft is in fact mentally injured and needs every help and support he can get, that she herself is the one playing nonsensical games, and that she has absolutely NO IDEA how BLOODY DAMN dangerous Eurus is! FOR GOD'S SAKE, SOMEONE PLEASE LIFT UP HER DAMN EYELIDS!

Alright, to the next point. So...Mycroft is going through extreme episodes of PTSD, I guess? And he's still pushing Sherlock away...hmm... Maybe if Sherlock decides to push harder through Mycroft's mental walls, and if the moment that his memories resurface is extended, the memories might overcome Eurus' voice. Hmm- I'm definitely intrigued how Sherlock would be able to pull all those memories out, though. Anyhow, will be looking forward to the last chapter! :)
epiffanylee chapter 7 . 11/1/2017
That's it. I'm gonna fly to Sherrinford and kill this CREEPY, INHUMANE woman. How DARE you break your own family AGAIN! And those PARENTS! FOR GOD'S SAKE, DON'T THEY REALIZE THAT THEIR SON IS MENTALLY INCAPACITATED?! And they accuse Mycroft that he's JEALOUS of his OWN BROTHER whom he cannot BLOODY REMEMBER ANYTHING ABOUT!? WHAT A COUPLE OF MORONIC GOLDFISH!? I honestly CAN'T BELIEVE that the Holmes brothers were actually THEIR SONS! *huff puff*...*sigh* Mycroft DOES realize that he has a brother named Sherlock, but his brain keeps erasing any memory related to him automatically by Eurus' BLOODY little song. Wait...Eurus' bloody little song, huh? That's a deja vu, isn't it? "I, that am lost, oh, who will find me- deep down below the old beech tree-" Well...that always gives me a shiver down my spines. :( Anyway! Thank you SO much for this new chapter! I've waited so much for this! :D Now that I know what kind of situation Mycroft is currently in, I am VERY intrigued how Sherlock is planning to unlock Mycroft's memories about him. Will be looking forward to another chapter! :)
epiffanylee chapter 6 . 10/18/2017
Good Lord. I need to see what specific kind of situation Mycroft is in! How is he really? Please, show us! Honestly, this is my most favorite story of yours! So...thanks again for this story's update! :D
blackcat55 chapter 5 . 9/30/2017
Ouch,that was a painful monologue from Sherlock..he suffers immensely; the memories are coming back,he has the need to speak about them, but the person who can help him is an silent observer or doesn't remember him.
Now,there is the question does Eurus understand his grieve?
Of course she does(somehow yes?) will she do anything about it?
And the parents are in the picture,niiice.
I like this version of telling them.
Yes they got the light version of "the events",but the responded somehow softer.
And the next shock is even more worrisome,what to do with My?
Making a family intervention? Surely yes,but how?
A question for Mycroft,he mind is still intact,he could check about Sherlock,search the net,CCTV tapes,seeing them together,or even ask Anthea.
How he can explain himself his immense fear he feels,and the rationality in this(or the lack of)
Great chapter!
dw chapter 5 . 9/27/2017
Uh-huh Mrs Holmes,you think it's a minor problem to dealt with? Well,that's going to be a blast.
qpch chapter 1 . 9/27/2017
Certainly, Eurus will never learn..thank for integrating her in the story! Not many people can write her.
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