Reviews for Rising Phoenix
amsev chapter 18 . 7/24
Love this story!
Rose00 chapter 6 . 7/13
ahaha I like 'Tensions with the Weasleys' You've set a good premise for the plot. I do believe the language is simple at times and a bit repetitive. But its funny and a nice chill read:)
MarieBeth chapter 31 . 7/12
I loved this story and how different it is from the others. As all of your stories I've read, it was very engaging and well written!
Guest chapter 31 . 6/13
that was perfect and made me so so happy!
Guest chapter 16 . 6/13
eeeek yayyyyy
Guest chapter 12 . 6/13
i loved that so much proving ron and ginny wrong made my day! i loved all of it and it was great!
Guest chapter 10 . 6/13
omg i loved that so much draco is such a beautiful flirt!
Guest chapter 5 . 6/13
eeek im so exited to read moree!
Guest chapter 3 . 6/13
yasss that makes me sooo happy!
xXMoonlitSorrowsXx chapter 31 . 6/14
This story is so unbelievable! I LOVE it! I swear I had a thought of a Chudley Cannon story happening and turning it into the best in thr league and this surpassed it by far! Could that little bit of ending with the European League could also lead to a possibility to a sequel? I just can't get enough of this! So great! I'm slowly reading all your worksyou are such a talented writer!
Guest chapter 18 . 6/4
I love it!
moriMako chapter 31 . 5/15
Loved it. I know it wasn't much Dramoine but the whole story was fantastic and entertaining. While the focus was quidditch, I loved the relationship between Hermione and Harry. Wonderfully entertaining read.
Yagaelle chapter 31 . 4/17
Hi really enjoy reading your storie.

at first, I wasn't hype by thé quidditch plot. and at the end it was what maters the most for me. I'm very impressed.

Great job, I had a great time reading it. I'm still not a super fan of the orange and violet as color for the team... But I can live with it.

Go Cannons !
Luzula-spicata chapter 31 . 4/6
Thank you very much for your story
mglblood chapter 14 . 12/14/2019
Ron is such an ass.
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