Reviews for Crazy at Heart
clairemaurel06 chapter 80 . 5/24
I'm in love with this story! At first, I didn't want to read the first 28 chapters because there wouldn't be any Sirius. But I am so glad I did! You did an amazing job creating Roxana and I loved getting to know her! I'm hoping for an epilogue so I can see Roxana and Sirius become parents! And thank you for keeping Tonks and Remus alive! I loved their relationship and their friendship with Sirius and Roxana!
Aless chapter 80 . 12/29/2019
I really enjoyed reading this story!
I would love to read a sequel in which Roxana travels back in time (or goes to an alternative universe) to 1979-1981
JcR.xo chapter 7 . 8/7/2019
Just a question, how would Ginny have posters of Harry when anyone only ever knew who he was by his scar? I’m really liking this story so far btw!
allicients chapter 80 . 7/27/2019
I LOVED IT! But I’m super sad that I never got the chance to see Roxana pregnant, the Black baby being born or a super cute baby Black being a cute ass toddler.
convalla91 chapter 80 . 6/11/2019
Is this story worth reading? Yes
Is it perfect? No, show me a story that is.

Spoilers below

There are some continuity issues I find with the spells you used. Such as the cleaning one and having to find the absolute center of the house and then not.
I got confused about the whole parents thing they were squibs her mum is a dentist then they are actually wizards and working in magic? I feel the ending was rushed.
All in all an enjoyable story I spent a week reading and way to many late hours. Good job
EternalFlaire chapter 80 . 4/1/2019
but does she have da babiesss
elizathe0dd chapter 70 . 1/31/2019
Christ, I'm so confused. Is having 30 wives even legal
elizathe0dd chapter 69 . 1/31/2019
How many wives does this Sergio bloke have?!
elizathe0dd chapter 38 . 1/31/2019
Why does she keep feinting? It's getting a bit ridiculous now
beth626 chapter 80 . 1/28/2019
Absolutely LOVED it
Guest chapter 72 . 12/22/2018
Since your done with this story are you going to write anything else harry potter related or just anything else in general
lovesincerelyana chapter 80 . 10/24/2018
Please continue I love this book so so so much
Purplestan chapter 38 . 8/23/2018
How can feeling safe make you faint?
Purplestan chapter 37 . 8/23/2018
Yeah do you really know hermione well if you think she will help with a prank. Really?
Purplestan chapter 36 . 8/23/2018
But? How can roxanne act all calm about meeting Sirius? At that time she didnt know he was innocent. Is she stupid?!
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