Reviews for HC02B—Seven Shots
ArkTaisch chapter 7 . 3/31/2019
Heya, here from the WA forum, so I'm reading this fandom-blind, though at least given the location/time header, the general setting is familiar enough to not be confusing!

Opening: catches the eye and shows us a bit about both the narrator and the woman who walks in. But it's ["I would like for you to shoot my children"] that really hooks me as a reader, lol! Possibly a stronger opener if you started out with that?

Anyway, loved the ensuing discussion, and the resolution of that. :)

And then the actual children show up, and... [I agreed, hoping I wouldn't want to shoot them before the afternoon was over.] - Ha ha, perfect!

I loved all those little details of how photography worked in that time period, while giving us some insight into the couple and why they want the photograph taken.

And how in the end they are so pleased with the "ruined" (blurry) photos because it captures the characters of their kids rather than being the "stone-faced" images we do see a lot of from that era!

My only quibble is that is the photographer really not the protagonist in this story? It seemed to me that he was the one who had the character arc in this, having his perception what his profession is really about changed because of his encounter with the Cannons. He learns to appreciate the value of an "imperfect" photo. You say it's Victoria and her quest for the perfect photo, but I'm not convinced that she wasn't the catalyst for the photographer's story. :)

But considered on its own merits, I really enjoyed the story - the humor, the characters, the period details, and the ending all came together beautifully.

Good luck with the challenge!
CercandoUnaVoce chapter 7 . 3/18/2019
I liked the misunderstanding with the word 'shoot', beside the technicalities, as a non native English speaker, I can totally relate with that.
I also liked how you portrayed Mr. Cannon, and appreciated the humor overall.
And I really enjoyed the ending scene.
Susie chapter 7 . 3/15/2019
So glad to have Shot 7 I love it trying to greet the twins to be still . Victoria and John were my favorite couple I
Tamara chapter 7 . 3/14/2019
So glad to see an update. I liked the misunderstand with the word "shoot" words we take for granted that wouldn't have been back then.
I imagine it would have been very difficult to capture that very young in the 1800's. I liked their response that the blurriness captured how the children really were.
Great chapter.
Junebug chapter 7 . 3/14/2019
Loved it !
Bella119 chapter 7 . 3/13/2019
Great ‘snapshot’ of family life told by an outsider. Enjoyed the humor too
Cathy chapter 7 . 3/12/2019
I'm so happy to have a new shot to read! Wonderful as always!
55below chapter 6 . 10/17/2018
Have the feeling that Sam and we readers weren’t the only ones smitten with Miss Talbert in Shot # is nice to get to know her a bit more and can only hope to see this relationship grow.
The use of alternating perspectives via the Drabble was effective and enjoyable. That you do it so seamlessly only adds to the story as a whole. I really liked this. I would also like a slice of that pie!
junebug chapter 6 . 8/28/2018
Love it
ZadArchie chapter 6 . 8/25/2018
Well, this is a new western fandom for me to read from you, but I mean, it's a typical enough scenario that anyone could understand what's going on. I liked how you decided to use the multiple drabble idea to springboard a way to alternate between perspectives. That's a clever way to implement the challenge parameters. I'm also interested in the fact that you chose two characters that have some, I don't want to say tragic, but difficult pasts. They're carrying some baggage, each, and to be able to bond over that is kind of a good way to look at these characters. Course, that could be a canon thing, but what do I know? Anyway, cute story.

wotwasithinkin chapter 6 . 8/23/2018
I liked the drabbles from both points of view. It's nice to see Sam's character fleshed out more. He was always under utilized in the show. Looking forward to the last shot.
Guest chapter 5 . 7/9/2018
wonderful! what a gteat way to complete a circle.
55below chapter 5 . 6/28/2018
A most welcome and rewarding One Shot. I promised myself that I would take my time reading #5 when it was published but after several paragraphs I knew I wouldn't be going anywhere until I finished it. I paid attention to the clues you left but clearly didn't see the Bequeathment until the very end even though you left it in plain sight earlier in the story. Well done.
This is a classic Buck Cannon type of story. I don't think it would have carried as well with any of the others and I appreciate the use of a character previously introduced in the series. It ties the story together knowing the identity of someone who actually doesn't appear in the action.
Claude's will brings to mind the scene from the film Jeremiah Johnson where Johnson finds the frozen remains of a mountain man who scribbled his last words on a piece of leather before he died..."being of sound mind and broke is a good gun and kilt the bear what kilt me"
There exists a certain eloquence in the words of men such as this, men who valued a sharp knife more than a sharp pencil. I thought you captured Burwell's dignity well in your writing of his words.
Look forward to number six.
Whitney chapter 5 . 6/28/2018
I love it I remember the episode when Uncle Buck helped the old man . Looking forward to Shot 6 . Have we seen the last of Rally McNabb? The twins are walking I love it. Victoria and John were my favorite
Junebug chapter 5 . 6/26/2018
Love it ! Looking forward to the next Chapter
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