Reviews for The Human's Sister
Guest chapter 39 . 8/29
Update please
Guest chapter 38 . 8/27
Update plesse
laraferreira chapter 39 . 8/29
loved it, continue!
NicoleR85 chapter 39 . 8/29
Another great chapter. I can't wait to read what happens next. Please update soon.
RenaEdmonds143 chapter 35 . 8/27
Please finish this she hasnt even told them shes a with yet! Im dying here!
Padfootette chapter 38 . 8/7
Great chapter loved it
NicoleR85 chapter 38 . 7/23
Another great chapter. I can't wait to read more.
NicoleR85 chapter 37 . 6/5
Another great chapter. I fan's wait to read what happens next. Please update soon.
Wolfbloob09 chapter 36 . 5/31
Amazing chapter can't wait for update
NicoleR85 chapter 36 . 5/31
Another great chapter. I can't wait to read what Imani will do. Please update soon.
Bekka99 chapter 35 . 5/28
Is it long until Harry and Stiles meeting?
Guest chapter 35 . 5/21
Please continue the story it’s really good so please don’t abandon it
Dragon-Warrior-93 chapter 22 . 5/11
Enjoying the story so far but have a question thats bugging me. The werewolves have hieghtened senses and apparation has a loud noise when used and a couple of times you've had Imani use it while nearby them so they should have heard it? Not sure if its a slight oversight or ive missed something explaing why especially as some were when the werewolfs had been in a dangerous situation so they would be on alert. Other then that no real complaints as it is an enjoyable read.
shugokage chapter 35 . 4/26
Nice job on this chapter!
lokittycookies chapter 35 . 4/26
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