Reviews for Inexplicable
Nivellia Neil chapter 4 . 3/19/2018
rosyhatake chapter 4 . 1/2/2018
whatttttt that's it?! I love this book so please update in looking forward to reading more
fightingstoryaddiction chapter 4 . 10/14/2017
im sure with healing chakra iruka might make it alive but will be bedridden for awhile after having his stomach regrown or or having a new stomach transfer to replace old one but anyways awesome story so far im hooke but fill bad for this character cause jikana has sasuke as a rival stalker now and is totally not aware of what he did wrong which was beating sasuke in afight lol now sasuke is kind of like naruto he will not stop not let go will hound jikana forever to fight again and again
EmmieSauce chapter 4 . 8/27/2017
Omgggg so greeeaaaat
Some Guy In An Ambulance chapter 3 . 8/18/2017
No no man, the song goes beep boo boo bop beep beep boo boo bop.

Seriously though, so far I enjoyed the second chapter the most. The scene where naruto and the mc's bonds affirmed was a powerful moment. Chapter two was a serious chapter, with some serious tones/themes, and I had fun with it. This latest chapter is nice in that it gives room for character development. The alternate pov's are informative.

The only two things I was iffy on was the mc's decision to speak on his birth, and the perceived lack of skill on anbu's part. I'd have to imagine they either don't have a permanent guard on the villages jinchuriki, or the hokage ordered the anbu to be lax with naruto's pranks.
Lead99 chapter 2 . 8/14/2017
I quite enjoyed this chapter. Keep up the good work!
Don FenrikIvanov chapter 2 . 8/14/2017
Thanks for the chap.. Its nice to know that narutos personality didn't change that much despite having a big brother and seeing death at the freshly age of 3.. Though one question how did he manage to enter the library? I mean he did first enter it when his just 3, hated by the entire population, and not really trained on the stealth department. Hope this get answered in the next chap. Oh and here I am expecting that his brain kinda mutate a little, he'd been using it since what? inside her mothers/kushinas womb on his fetus state.. :D
Don FenrikIvanov chapter 2 . 8/14/2017
Woaahh easy there buddy. This is really good you know despite being your first story.. big thumbs up for that. But can you make it a little bit logical (believable). I mean his not even 2minutes old yet, ever heard of underdeveloped vocal chords? or that simply moving a finger is much more hard than lifting a car when your not even 5minutes old much less speaking a full sentence? this is my only problem As I say this is good, I haven't notice any mistake as of yet, good pacing , but it lack normalcy (don't know the exact word cause english ain't my native tounge). Welp time to continue reading. :D