Reviews for Shock Wave
Margaret Gautier chapter 34 . 13m
Wow, I thought this was the conclusion. Nicky has been delivered, and Walter talked Mark into taking him, instead of the baby. I'm glad Paige and Nicky are found, we'll have to find out what happened to Walter.
ScorplinginTraining chapter 34 . 16h
So... crazy train? Right?

Of course Walter would do this. It’s totally like him. It doesn’t stop me from using your name in vain. #%$& But it’s completely believable. Even if you are, let’s face it, kind of a jerk for crushing all my hopes and stomping on my heart In the process. I thought for sure the team would come sweeping in in the nick of time, but you had to let Collins kidnap my poor Wally and take him away. And here I thought we were friends! :-p

Very heart-wrenching, angsty, agonizing awesomeness. You had me hanging on every word per usual.
Franxine bobo chapter 34 . 17h
I really like this story but I'm really tired of Collin I feel like he's always going to be in the way of Walter and paige being happy and I am really upset with paige saying stupid stuff to walter
Carol Ballinger Searls chapter 34 . 19h
Great chapter. Collins will need to figure out how to physically control Walter so that he can then mentally control him. Poor Walter ils once again in a battle for his mental and physical survival. Can’t wait for more ! Thank you for the update ;)
Grykon chapter 1 . 19h
You know, as I sit here thinking back over the course reading the "Shocking" trilogy in the last couple of months, as much as I have enjoyed each chapter, each time I've panicked and worried, been relieved, been surprised and ultimately looking forward to the end of the trilogy it is also making me sad. I know the end probably won't be much further away (chapter wise). I want to kick and scream for more. Thank you for a thoroughly enjoyable time!
Grykon chapter 34 . 20h
Oh no...nonononononononono...Walter!

*ack* Pamz! What have you done now? I shouldn't have clipped my nails earlier.

Great chapter no matter how badly you just strangled my intestines!
supergirl971 chapter 33 . 6/24
J’aime toujours autant et j’attends la suite en espérant qu’ils mettent la main sur Collins (j’en ai marre de lui lol)
dS-Tiff chapter 33 . 6/23
Aww! I love that Walter delivered the baby. And the team aren't too far behind so Collins had better watch out!

When I first read your A/N I thought you meant it was the last chapter, so I'm glad to see there's more to come. :)
ScorplinginTraining chapter 33 . 6/22
I'm about ready to put Crazy Collins in the nearest dumpster. Walter really needs to win this one! (and I trust you'll get us there eventually after a long, convoluted, angst-ridden journey)

Seriously, Yolondra?! You don't remember how to get back? Nooooo! Couldn't you have left bread crumbs or something? Geez! And please tell me the cop is going to follow the team and arrest Collins!

At least Walter's first few moments with his newborn son were precious. And I love how he didn't complain about Paige crushing his hand. That's a sign of a good partner, right there.

Boy, this chapter had it all, sister! Remember back when we used to be able to go to parks and ride roller coasters? In the absence of the real thing, we always have your stories to keep life exciting. I'm in awe that you've kept this wonderful story going so long. I've been with you every step and I've enjoyed all of this AU universe you've created for us immensely. Thank you!
franxine bobo chapter 33 . 6/22
ok as much as i love this story it has been going on for too long please let collins get killed i am really sick of him, so far he has died in several other stories and i am sure as hell want him to die in this one, you are quite a good writer i like your writings mor please.
Marie chapter 33 . 6/22
Really nice update
Thank you
Margaret gautier chapter 33 . 6/22
This beautiful baby boy was born, now waiting for help to arrive, before this idiot does something stupid.
Grykon chapter 33 . 6/22
Oh my gosh...My nerves...Wonderful chapter...but .Nerves.


*biting nails and waiting for the next chapter*
MetalKyria chapter 33 . 6/22
Thank you so much for this story. Loved it from the start . So Awesome that Walter could help Paige
dS-Tiff chapter 32 . 6/6
Loved Walter and Paige's chat about naming the baby! Collins is pure evil isn't he, I have a feeling you have more planned for him yet before we see an end to the drama! Great work.
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