Reviews for Sight Unseen
Foxluna chapter 7 . 12/13/2018
Well I'm excited and very eager when the next chapter comes out to read it! Seems Viper is getting closer, slowly but surely to the truth. Wonder how shocked they'll be to find out that Tsuna is a direct descendant of the Original Vongola boss Giotto, Primo, Vongola. Lol.
meglepetes chapter 7 . 12/7/2018
Oh I just reread this story again. Its still amazing! (And it relit my love for KHR Its one of my always returns to it kind of fandom. ) I love your writing. Thank you for updating! :)

lol The Tsuna effect creeps up on them one by one. And its seems to be a chain reaction too!
Guest chapter 7 . 12/6/2018

I am diligently awaiting the eventual revelation of Tsuna's infamous ancestor. I have no idea at this point how it will happen or where it will come from, but the very idea has me giggling now with all of Viper's frustration. I am also cooing a bit over Chrome and Mukuro. I'm quite curious what exactly Reborn thinks is the reason for the bond between Tsuna and Mukuro, after his perspective's hints. It's really starting to sound like literally everyone here loathes the Vongola to some degree and can probably be convinced to either allow or aide in it's imminent destruction.
Or at the very least, unleash some stroke-inducing hell on it's upper echelons ASAP.
Guest chapter 6 . 12/6/2018
Guest chapter 4 . 12/5/2018
It sounds very much like all they really need is to convince a Tsuna who would rather "burn Vongola to the ground" than become a Mafia Boss that they are in general agreement about that overall plan, and then settle in to plot. On an alternate note, I could see this Varia ending up loyally "following" Tsuna because they figured out he really will go for salting the earth rather than accept being pressed into Bosshood, and are amused at "Vongola's Salvation" doing most of the work for them, or in aid of their own plotting. XD
Nemhain2009 chapter 7 . 12/5/2018
Great chapter! Looking forward to more!
TheSamurai'sRose chapter 7 . 12/5/2018
"Charming delinquent boy" isn't something I'd ever thought to hear about Ken but Chrome's thought process is precious. I find it interesting that Viper doesn't already know the Sawadas are related through Primo. I'm looking forward to seeing how all these pieces fit together.
Twitch101 chapter 6 . 9/17/2017
Interesting perspectives!
Dictator4Life chapter 6 . 9/9/2017
I actually really love this chapter! But if you need to edit it, it's your story. Thank you for sharing and I hope you're safe.
SableDreamer chapter 6 . 8/30/2017
I know I haven't reviewed the last couple of chapters... haven't beta'd them either, so sorry about that. I just want to say how much I -love- them! Viper's chapters are awesome, and I'm super excited to see what happens when Iemitsu's history and connections come to light.

And I love Reborn here. He's awesome! I love the protectiveness (though he tries not to show it) and also how -proud- he is of Tsuna. It's glorious! I love the hints we get about Mukuro and he's opinions on Tsuna, and I can't wait to see more from potentially his pov! I'm really curious and happy about the part suggesting that Tsuna's already formed a Guardian Bond with Mukuro. I think it's awesome! I can't wait to find out what happens next! I really like this 'verse!
ShotaroxPhillip chapter 6 . 8/25/2017
I wish you luck in surviving the coming storm and that everyone you are friends and family with survive as well
1Otamon chapter 5 . 8/25/2017
Ooh! This is interesting! I'm really looking forward to the Varia finding out that Tsuna is related to Giotto. And even more interested in their reaction when they find out that Tsuna was sealed.
It's really good that Tsuna wants to destroy Vongola. Also I want to see Xanxus' reaxtion when he finds out. He's going to be so proud.
Thank you for writing this!
history chapter 5 . 8/23/2017
Mmm, it makes me wonder if viper is right..
Great chapter 5 . 8/21/2017
Hmm, so in this one, the Varia don't know that Tsuna is Giotto's descendant? Interesting. I wonder how you'll continue to develop the story. Looking forward to more!

PS Hmm, since Squalo got away "fine", then does that mean he got those injuries from somewhere else?
twilightserius chapter 5 . 8/20/2017
Ugh wonder if one of them ca find out about that damn seal placed on tsuna as a chibi
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