Reviews for In Quest of Time
ed chapter 9 . 6/17
damn i some how missed this in rereading your stories, and now i can tie things together better, kudos bill this is superb,thanks!
Biancamanda16 chapter 9 . 7/2/2019
Esto fue realmente genial :)
DinoGuy2000 chapter 9 . 8/29/2018
Oh, I do so enjoy adventures like this. Reminds me that I need to look into reading some more Stan and Ford brotherly adventure stuff. And what a helpfully meddling triangle!

Fantastic fic! Good work!
LovingDove chapter 9 . 6/7/2018
Great story, I really loved it! :)
KitKatLovesUT chapter 9 . 11/5/2017
I loved this story!
Guest chapter 9 . 8/13/2017
Excellent finale. Guess I spoke too soon. That's awesome! I love that "Princess Bride" reference. I could totally see these guys doing that. :)
A double-wedding, huh? Nice. Man, I can tell Mabel's going to be ecstatic: Ford and Stan, then in a few months her ultimate match-up.
Bill Cipher? Whoa! Talk about a twist!
Onto the next story.
Guest chapter 8 . 8/13/2017
Another good chapter. Man, that was a heartwarming reunion, a relationship not unlike the senior Mystery Twins.
Too bad for Stan and Ford, coming all that way for not much more than a vacation in the end, and nothing to show from the primary reason they came out.
Onto the next chapter.
Guest chapter 7 . 8/13/2017
Great chapter. Sorry, I kind of fell behind a bit in reading this.
You go, Stan! He really shined in this chapter. Looks like their little informant was right: you have to impress the guy.
I rather enjoyed his suggestion for spiting his and Ford's captor.
"... I gotta use the Juan." Lol!
I thought something was off about Ford's discovery in the biblioteca. I just rolled with it. :)
Onto the next chapter.
Ghost Man chapter 9 . 8/11/2017
A fate worse than debt! Hah! Only Stan would consider that the worst fate, and given I've done student loans, I totally understand the sentiment. What I don't get is why Stanley remembered that one line from the Austin Powers movie. _ Stan is a man of Mystery alright. Also never bet with a Pines when death is on the line! Bwahahaha. Or eternal youth XD

I also totally called it. Technically he's keeping his promise. The Bill that Dipper knew is no more and won't be bugging that world again.
fereality chapter 9 . 8/11/2017
Another great story.
Well I called the fountain of youth. And the Grunkles settling down (as much as those two can ;-) ).
So we're getting a dual winter wedding. Calling Dipper and Soos as Best man and groomsman. Not sure on the future 'Graunties' family/friends or I'd at least Mabel as a bridesmaid.
I nearly had Bergas. After looking for the name in connection to the fountain, I theorized (to myself mind you) the yellow hat might mean him, but then I pushed it away as he supposedly didn't have enough molecules to fully appear in the dreamscape. I guess with this being a redemption shot, he got a limited boost.
Keep up the good work and have fun writing.
ficthow chapter 8 . 8/10/2017
Hmmmm... I'm wondering whether they will decide to drink the water or not. That would be making a huge change the "Easley AU." But I guess there have been major events that have been kept constant. Dipper and Wendy's mind-reading, the character TK, and more. Great work as always. Looking forward to all stories to come.
Ghost Man chapter 8 . 8/10/2017
After such an adventure for nothing but lost time, the brothers depart, empty handed, and strangely more exhausted than the end of the day. To have come so far and leave empty handed is a hard fate for a mortal with so little time already at their disposal. To waste it in the effort of retrieving time must be a fate out of a Poeish poem.
Ghost Man chapter 7 . 8/9/2017
An old, but young...afraid person who fears the void but not time. Not the cost...and bad pun is bad. Dude -_-

Ghost Man chapter 6 . 8/8/2017
Dammit Juan...of course he wouldn't do this. Of course he wouldn't just let them go...the coward.
Guest chapter 6 . 8/8/2017
Excellent chapter. Yeah, I kind suspected something like that would happen when Stan and Ford were told they wouldn't divulge the secret.
Hmm... I wonder if Ford and McGucket have anything that could help the guy with his memory. Just a thought.
I can't wait for the next chapter.
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