Reviews for Anakin and the Darkness Within
MalirBly chapter 40 . 9/3
Great Chapter! I love it
stars90 chapter 40 . 9/2
I love it. Everyone is coming along nicely
RyanSquad chapter 40 . 9/2
The clones deserve full lives.
MalirBly chapter 39 . 8/9
Kaiser Chris chapter 39 . 8/7
I'm confused, didn't you already write this chapter?
westerns never die chapter 39 . 8/3
Ok, so when I started reading I thought there was no way Anakin would just tell Yoda everything. But then I thought about it and it made sense in a way. If the dark side was clouding the force, maybe he would shape up that fast once the cloud was gone. Have to say, I read the whole thing so far in one evening. Keep going, this is really getting good.
stars90 chapter 39 . 8/3
Excellent work! I really enjoyed how you're using the different POVs to show how the Republic's efforts are coming together. And how you combined elements of Legends and canon
MalirBly chapter 38 . 4/19
love this story, please update
Guest chapter 30 . 3/2
God seriously you’ve started exploring anakin becoming truly competent but haven’t even given him new force abilities. Instead you’ve only focused on the sith. If he’s currently radiating so much power that even sidious is wary of him using the force to grab an escape pod is child’s play. Hell as Vader when you couldn’t exert nearly as much power through the force he was capable of dragging an entire ship and flinging it. But yet this girl that has barely had what five months of training is already this advanced fuck no. Plo Koon should have at least tried to show anakin force judgement which is the light side equivalent to force lighting. He has the potential and power to have the greatest telekinesis ever, and honestly should be capable of force light. Hell by now discovering force fire should be justifiable.
Guest chapter 30 . 3/2
The ability your talking about is called force drain, you didn’t drain their potential but the force within them basically it’s the equivalent of life steal. The problem with this skill is that you can easily fall into addiction I guess you could say, I mean with nihilius it got so bad he devoured his own body.
Guest chapter 20 . 3/2
precognition is useful and whatnot but it doesn’t work in the way of literally telling you what you want. Even for sidious it’s not entirely clear as to what is shown. So know this dude would be there is kinda sus.
Guest chapter 17 . 3/2
Bro you definitely needed to do updates on how much time goes by cause going off of what we know Luke and leia are at best a few months old. Why would he bring his babies with him?
Guest chapter 11 . 3/2
Many Jedi shadows fell to the dark side but the problem is they never stopped trying to destroy the dark side even after they fell. Also the chances of sidious actually capturing a Jedi shadow are almost impossible seeing how they could mask their presence and seldom stayed in the temple or in couracsant.
Guest chapter 8 . 3/1
midiclorians only make your potential and connection with the force greater. So meditation will be easier and learning the force as well also they would be stronger on this world. Leaving would only make them weaker but still far more powerful than they were.
Guest chapter 7 . 3/1
Jesus Christ your seriously going to make Padme a force sensitive, if just chop this up to somehow managing to use the force through her two extremely gifted kids in her belly.
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