Reviews for The Jester of the Family (ReWrite)
RosyMiranto18 chapter 15 . 7/24/2019
Oh… so tired… so many people sending things when I should have my break between college intern and a prelude to Student Study Service in a couple of weeks. Still, I still can excuse your lateness, because if not for this, I would have to deal with both this AND One Last Promise yesterday, so thanks for the save. But yeah, I guess why you dislike your current job had more to do with your boss than anything else, so good luck in finding a new one. And I’m confused, so what is the next chapter, Broken Martryoshka part 2, another title, or both? And when it will be released? Next week along with Hunters or next month when it’s Jester’s turn again? Also, does this mean the next Hunter chapter will also be delayed by a few days in a true domino effect fashion? Well, that’s the questions for now. Moving on to the review.

1a. Never heard of that movie, but okay. Though it’s surprising for her to see a 50’s American Movies considering the Red Scare during that period.
b. Uh… what kind of monster is that? I know it’s not the ant, so…
c. I’m a bit surprise at this. Usually, people would raise the volume of their TV when they hear an argument in the distance especially in their own home.
d. Uh… actually Dimitri have a point, making Tamara watching TV all the time could be called a parental negligence. Sighs…
e. So… where’s Saya is now? I Honestly feels that she already abandoned her and Dimitri years ago.
2a. I guess Tamara’s that paranoid of getting her stuff stolen, or she puts all of her woes in those notes on the bag and she wouldn’t let anyone gets near it, even a security guard.
b. Good to know that Tamara is quite careful when it comes to this.
c. Wait, did Tamara enters Mayonaka in between Shadow Yousuke until now? If it’s yes, then why didn’t she know that Teddie calls Yuu Sensei.
d. That doll looks sadly relatable. I think I’m gonna cry *sob*
e. Golf Club again, Yousuke, really?! I thought the old one’s broken.
f. Red glasses. A bit surprising in the color of choice, but I can take it.
3a. Scared of fighting, hm? Does that happen from a past experience, Azami?
b. What kind of conspiracies that you wrote, Tamara?
c. Yeah, Tamara’s right. It just works! XD
d. Considering her home life, I think it’s understandable why she prefers to be around Shadows rather than her mother.
e. What hide and seek, Shadow Yukiko?

Oh, I didn’t expect the chapter ends here and not when Shadow Tamara showed up. Oh well, I guess that’s all for now. There’s some other things I need to mention, but let’s save that for the PM later. Oh well, see you later and Keep Update!
RosyMiranto18 chapter 14 . 6/25/2019
Hahahaha… I am honestly laughing at the amount of fog you had in your place in addition to lampshade it with a dead body… but damn, you’re sick too? Okay, now I’m worried that it’s not only the (Southern) Winter, but also the fog causes you to be sick, as if it’s actually leaking from Mayonaka… and this is Azami’s fic time too.
However, regarding dead bodies… I’m afraid it becomes a reality, but not in your place. Why? Because YouTuber Etika (you know, famous for those reaction memes) was found deceased (I picked this word because it sounds a bit more respectful and dead, and passed away doesn’t fit this particular sentence) in Manhattan after missing for six days. You can check the news here, I trust Optimus to deliver it: youtu . be/LVE6Wmg91BA
On a lighter note, I have finished the profiles I promised to you last week. I will send it to you on the first PM after this review. Anyway, let’s go to the review now.

1a. At least you don’t wake up seeing your sister also in the Velvet Room, Yuu.
b. But seriously, if the “Journey” the Velvet Folks is not a Wild Card, then what kind of journey Azami will face?
c. But if that’s the case, then does that mean she will be able to own another Persona, probably one more like Akechi, or two more like Charles in IDBH?
d. Because you are chosen by Izanami, and then the Velvet Room choose you to be the best person among those chosen by Izanami, Yuu.
2a. Tamara, what about if you set the alarm at certain time, then someone else sneak up and move the alarm to go off earlier than you intend to? Does this mean you woke up earlier than the new setting or you slept past it?
b. Yeah… Tamara definitely needs more life and people around her, too bad she doesn’t get them. *sad*
c. At least she just hug you, not hugging you naked after you-know-what ( ͡ ͜ʖ ͡)
d. Blushing? Tsundere confirmed?
e. I’m honestly thinking that Tamara is contemplating the good of the changes that comes from accepting one’s Shadow and wonder if it will work for her as well.
f. But yeah, you should wear long sleeves, even detached sleeves on the Summer, Azami.
3a. Why you said a little goody when you get Izanagi, Yuu?
b. I’m guessing that Chie will eventually pestering Yousuke about his Shadow soon.
c. And congrats for the Chariot, Yuu.

I guess that’s all for today. I need to sort out the final touches before sending those documents for you. I have a little time while you’re replaying, so I better go now. See you later and Keep Update!
RosyMiranto18 chapter 13 . 6/4/2019
Damn, i got barrage of four fics right in Eid Al-Fitr, when there's so much to do. Why this isn't happening yesterday where my car got stalled for almost 5 hours?!
Anyway, enough about the rant. I'm happy that Azami finally have her Persona and her own arc is resolved... for now, but i'm a bit disappointed that Tamara didn't yet. Oh well... i guess more waiting then, as well as the next chapter of Shadow Hunters as soon as i return to Surabaya on Monday.

-So... what was Azami's weight, huh? *nudges Yuu*
-Considering that there are theories that you might end up like Adachi had you never meet Yuu, Yousuke, i think your concern over the resemblance between your and Azami's Shadow is pretty understandable.
-I think difficult or even perilous is a better way to describe this, Tamara -_-.
-Speaking of self-defense, Tamara, what was your weapon again?
-Aw... a Matroyshka... cute... wait, now i'm imagining Teddie as a Matroyshka O_o.
-Considering how Azami is, no surprise that she struggles to thanks someone.
-Of course Tamara is of a Russian descent, no wonder she has a Matroyshka. But it seems that her father is like the opposite of Lisa's from Persona 2, only with the insistence being on Russian instead of Japanese or American.
-Hm... now that brings me a question if Tamara joins the investigation of Yukiko Castle and encountered her Shadow there or Adachi threw her into the TV and creating another dungeon.
-Too bad there's no Love Line on TV, right? Nanako would love that.
-Yeah, of course Nanako would ask if they are fighting.
-Yeah, if something is inevitably going to be revealed regardless of what you do, it's better to tell the truth as soon as possible to avoid further complications.
-To be fair, in the exact opposite argument, sometimes living is the worse punishment than the death itself. That's what my OC, Shiba Takeuchi always think, and that's exactly why he choose to live.
-i can play something in your stead, Azami, don't worry *playing Sora no Kiseki FC - Hoshi no Arika (Super Arrange -Guitar- Version) Link: youtu . be/3KouiOre3yo
-Considering that the Music Club is more Orchestra-based (which means, lacking in guitar), Azami, i don't think you should join that one either.
-Yeah, i can expect Azami's life to be much worse if she is a single child. She might as well actually take an Easy Way Out if that's what her life is. (It's a GTA joke, don't worry about it)
-Hm... i wonder if Azami can see other Social Links initiated... or if she has her own set of Social Links... or if she's a Wild Card.
-So how are you coping with the storms now, Yuu?

Wait, a COUPLE OF weeks for Shadow Hunters?! No! Why! D;
Well, this ruins the mood after reading this chapter. Oh well, i guess that's all for now. There's a lot to do today. See you later and Keep Update!
tl34lt12 chapter 13 . 6/4/2019
Glad you are not abandoning this fic

Nice Narukami-Dojima bonding session. Family Therapy for the win

And Tamara is curious and a little jealous. Hope she conquers her inner demons soon
foxchick1 chapter 11 . 9/16/2018
Love this fic
RosyMiranto18 chapter 11 . 9/16/2018
Phew… okay… okay… I had to get this done fast, okay…. Ehm, anyway…

1a. Hm… if she likes to be on top, I wonder what makes her fall before?
b. I guess now I understand why she’s in the Drama Club, it trains her to keep her life acting intact.
c. I can see Azami being a… deconstruction of the Ace who’s good at everything. As it actually alienates her from everyone else. And her Inferiority Complex doesn’t help either.
2a. Hm… is this empty void filled with ashes Azami’s dungeon?
b. Uh-oh, it seems that Yousuke’s envying Tamara. Now I’m dreading what will happen with Yuu, considering that he’s the leader of the Investigation Team. It’s probably going to be worse and more impactful to the story itself, that’s for sure.
c. A corpse burned in ashes with multiple masks. There’s nothing that fits Shadow Azami better, especially after seeing that flashback.
3a. I guess that beating starts it, damn. I know I can say karma in some way, but I shuddered in pain for Azami’s sake as it’s just the beginning for her suffering and agony.
b. Though I got angry by the fact that everyone’s ganging up to her. Classic Bullying Tactic, tch.
c. And this is a freaking Rumor Mill. I have no surprise if it’s Shuujin, like at all.
4a. Ugh… you know, why can’t you awaken yours too, Tamara? That certainly helps and I am hoping you to do so for chapters now… :(
b. Yep, secrecy is among the worst of the flaws, indeed…
c. You know… if only Azami can accepts that Yuu loved her as it is, then her Shadow wouldn’t be as severe as it is now.
d. And the identity of the Persona is still a mystery. Oh well, gotta wait for the next chapter.

Still, I guess accepting the Shadow this way is better for her development. Watching your own monstrous self really done that to you.
Though can I ask in which level the Jester Social Link currently? Considering that the level goes both up and down.
I must say that I prefer this version as it’s more impactful in so many ways. But what made me upset is “Tamara’s Persona not awakened”. I hope you rectified this before Yukiko’s Arc finished.
Well, I guess that’s all for today. So keep update!
tl34lt12 chapter 11 . 9/16/2018
Better here than before

let's see where this goes from here
tl34lt12 chapter 10 . 7/16/2018
Well you are updating this again, its good news

Building more on the cast is good

Plus it's Persona 4's 10th anniversary year
RosyMiranto18 chapter 10 . 7/16/2018
Time to spend the great way to start a day of awaiting… laptop, reading and reviewing a good fanfic like this.

1a. Er… Teddie… why didn’t you… you know… give the gilrs the glasses now? *sweatdrop*
b. Hm, did you have a photographic memory, Tamara?
c. To be honest, when Tamara is answering Teddie’s question about ‘score’, I expect Yuu and Yousuke desperately shakes their heads like Weiss, Blake, and Yang in RWBY V1 episode “The Stray”.
2a. Damn, if playing guitar brings bad memories despite being your favorite, then try to find another newthing. Unless if it occurs on every single thing she loves, which makes the problem unavoidable.
b. Here you go, Izanami makes Azami ‘the Fourth Chosen One’. I don’t know if I was joking or serious about that though.
3a. And now everyone’s too late to give Tamara her glasses *facepalm*
b. Yeah, and Yousuke certainly can’t forget Saki’s inner thoughts at that point, it’s only a mere two days after that moment, after all…
c. Disturbing indeed, Tamara, really disturbing.
4a. For once, I was worried that we wouldn’t see Azami being dragged into Mayonaka. Now I’m happy about it especially because it happens earlier than the earlier version, mwahahaha.
b. It seems that Tamara has a good survival instinct, good.
5a. Scratch it, she’s not only hates herself, but also everything else with very few exceptions like Yuu, along with a death seeker, ugh…
b. Well, you can enter the TV because of your… ‘potential’ in a better way I can put it. But once you enter Mayonaka, the potential is gone and transformed into your own Shadow.
c. And… it seems that Shadow Azami Boss Fight is a thing now. Well, I hope Chie isn’t exhausted enough to use her Persona or Tamara awakening one, if her Shadow doesn’t appear first.
d. By the way, is the place they fall to is Azami’s dungeon?

Well, I guess that’s everything for today. Keep Update!
FemaleFoxyFTW-2 chapter 9 . 6/15/2018
You keep using the name of a Persona 5 character. This is a Persona 4 fanfiction, so Yosuke is not in the game. You want to use the name Yusuke, not Yosuke.
foxchick1 chapter 9 . 6/2/2018
Can't wait to see what happens next.
RosyMiranto18 chapter 9 . 5/30/2018
Okay, i'm running out of time, so let's just cut into the chase, okay?

Er... i thought that paper cranes job is voluntary and therefore no payment, Azami.

So, you prefer a bat or a gun, Tamara?

Hm... is Tamara only made a coincidence to go into a toilet or she actually intending to avoids one of the Yousuke's biggest blunder?

You know, i missed the old scene where Azami showed Chie the footage of this imbecility, i missed it dearly.

Auww... i guess no 'Azami getting a Persona earlier' then, i hope it will happen around the same time with the previous version though, when they are facing Shadow Yukiko.

Um... did anyone really make a guitar cover of Junes' Theme on Youtube? Someone please tell me.

Please Azami, your Shadow very surprsingly can be a very good therapist. It's for your own sake. Sometimes it's better to face everything all at once rather than many small things everyday.

We both know that Chie will encounter her Shadow today, but will Tamara too? Oh well, see you later in the next chapter, Keep Update!
foxchick1 chapter 8 . 2/26/2018
I can't wait to see what happens next.
foxchick1 chapter 7 . 2/16/2018
I can't wait to see what happens next.
RosyMiranto18 chapter 6 . 2/6/2018
Ah... glad to see you back.
It seems my feeling is not that baseless, especially with her already knowing Yuu's little secret, but not the entire world behind it. I predict that when Tamara gains a Persona, the Investigation Team will join Tamara's occult club, essentially making them 'officialala S.E.E.S. or the X.R.C. in Tokyo Xanadu)
Anyway, it's great to see that the Occult Club got a extensively expanded role beyond some quests. This rewritting has already surpassed its old version even without Azami in it (no offense). That's the end of my review for now. Well, Keep Update!
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