Reviews for Becoming Elena Zabini
Whit96 chapter 3 . 12/19/2019
Great start!
jubileemarie chapter 3 . 7/8/2019
why... why is it the stories I like are always left to die for years? Please continue... Please?
Oja chapter 3 . 1/13/2018
keep going
Aria Dragoncrest chapter 3 . 12/12/2017
Good start!
Alexa SixT chapter 3 . 9/29/2017
Thanks for this chapter is amazing, can’t wait for more. Please update soon i love This story, Hermione and Blaise are so cute.
jlove34 chapter 1 . 9/29/2017
As far as bare content goes, the first chapter was pretty decent. Since you mentioned that other stories had problems with grammar, you should know that the dialogue in this one is not formatted correctly. It's truly difficult to read and comprehend what each character is trying to convey, when all of the dialogue has been dumped in one big paragraph. Kinda aggravating too. Some betas or alph readers will tell you to specifically write this way but if you look up rules and regulations for grammar on the internet, you'll find that what I've said is true. If you pick up any book, you'll see that they're all published that way as well.

Now on to the next chapter. Thanks for sharing!
kimbclar chapter 2 . 9/16/2017
I'm enjoying the story and looking forward to more.
xxwintermistxx chapter 2 . 8/13/2017
an interesting story, I liked it! But I didn't love how it switched to first person. However I just generally prefer stories in the third person! other than that, nice writing! keep up the good work!
Guest chapter 2 . 8/6/2017
Finally, a realistic story that takes a believable look at how someone would handle seeing their parents murdered and how they would react to learning that they were adopted. Thank you thank you thank you, for treating this topic with the seriousness that it deserves. So many stories have Hermione finding out she's adopted, and then, within a few minutes, sometimes within seconds, she's forgotten the parents who raised her and is completely accepting of the wizarding world and her new status. Equally as quickly, she's ditched her friends, her beliefs and has become some expert in the wizarding world. It's not realistic, and I'm so glad that Hermione is behaving how someone would actually behave given the same set of circumstances. Thank you for writing and sharing. I most definitely look forward to reading more. Good luck with the exams.
Guest chapter 2 . 8/2/2017
Blaise Zabini is black. If Hermiond is his twin, she should be black as well, not porcelain white.
mama123 chapter 2 . 8/1/2017
Hermione seems out of character.. I am concerned about her feelings toward her real parents, looks like she is blaming them for everything.
I understand that she is in pain and upset and grieving, but the that she is coping is out of character. Her inner thoughts are very unlkie her. Other than that it good and well composed
Alexa SixT chapter 2 . 8/1/2017
Thanks for update! This is an amazing chapter, i love Blaise and Hermione as twins, can't wait for more, i really like this story.
10-phoenix-feathers chapter 2 . 8/1/2017
Really exciting story so far, I'm excited to see where you're taking it! I haven't really read anything with this specific plot before so it's really great to broaden my horizons haha
My one suggestion would be to make sure that you have a new paragraph every time someone new speaks. It really helps me, as a reader, to differentiate between who's talking :)
ANyway, well done with this story! I'm really looking forward to where you're taking it!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/27/2017
This was an excellent start to the story. Hermione's reaction was realistic and believable, and the only thing I truly dislike is the memory charms used on her neighbors. I think magic is often used too liberally in stories as a cure all for any situation, and that is something I see too often in stories. I really hope that this story explores Hermione's transition into a different life. Too many of these stories have Hermione immediately accepting of the changes and immediately abandoning how she was raised. As she's almost 12, she would have been completely immersed in her culture and would not so easily conform to a new culture. This is because, from a psychological and developmental standpoint, Hermione has established much of who she is, in terms of beliefs, values and cultural norms. Thanks for writing and sharing this story. I am intrigued, and I would definitely like to read more.
mama123 chapter 1 . 7/28/2017
Intriguing! Hope you update soon.
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