Reviews for Before Beasts, There Were Storms
Wanderer's Cynefin chapter 10 . 9/15/2017
Wait what?

US wants to run tests on them possibly to see how the weird species came in existence? And Kai just flarmes up again?

All this, actually reminds me time and again of the line - "It must have escaped your notice but life is not fair."
And it definitely is not for Kai and the others.
Sunset Ezmar chapter 10 . 9/12/2017
Too much stress, I bet that was the problem. Nevermind the mental scars left by Russian seudo mafia, Kai, it surely was stress.
And now I"m curious as well, has Kai ever lied? Because, I don't remember exactly when, once Ayah laughed at something Kai said... Ummm, my mind is making a lot of guesses right now...
And you go and do this after the baby Kai dream! Wicked! I can imagine how much fun you're having with this, sadomasochistic indeed.
So, just to be sure, this is going to take a while, right? Since you put them in this international-nuclear-aliens-that-are-not-aliens-but-actually-creators-of-worlds mess... You know what, I just hope you didn't bite more than you can chew, it happens all too often to sci-fi/fantasy writers. So... Good luck? Because I love the serie and I hope it doesn't end up burning, like you-know-who (just to clarify, I'm not talking about Harry Potter ;D).
Best wishes! And congratulations about getting out of you Grandma's (?). If you need it you can use you-know-what to buy milk, your baby is too adorable to leave him without milk.
Until next time!
Guest chapter 10 . 9/12/2017
Yay next book is coming!
I live for this series, this was such an ominous chapter and the way Aya suddenly said he was lying actually made me nervous for them. Only great writing can do that.
I hope your husband's job goes well and he enjoys it and you get your car fixed.
Kat x
Atarya QueenofEgypt chapter 10 . 9/11/2017
This was a very good chapter. Please update soon. Also, I'm ready for a Yu-Gi-Oh roleplay. Please PM me back as soon as you get this. Thanks.
Sunset Ezmar chapter 8 . 9/10/2017
I don't have a song for this chapter, sad, I know. But I certainly loved it, more so because you didn't go for the usual, you know, Tyson being Kai's bacon of light. Instead you choose Tala, who knows everything Kai went through. To me that's more meaningful.
And I'm sure you killed someone with the baby scene, not me, because I'm tough, but there are weak hearts our there...
Thanks you for your hard work! I'll write you later!
Sunset Ezmar chapter 7 . 9/10/2017
Now my head is full of "My heart will go on". Excellent job with the tape by the way, ;D usually no one ever thinks about those details when dealing with a guy with claws instead of toes.
I saw your other updates! Aren't you tired? I bet you have been working hard lately... By the way, it may be my imagination, but Wendy's book sounds awfully familiar...
Best wishes! Thanks for the hard work!
Guest chapter 9 . 9/5/2017
Ooh it's getting really interesting! And I've just read another review saying is your book based off the fanfiction, is it one you've wrote before and made it into a full novel? It sounds good!
Kat x
ZH chapter 9 . 9/4/2017
OMG I can't wait for next chapter!
Wanderer's Cynefin chapter 9 . 9/1/2017
Oh so Wendy is the main character of the book. When you sent me the PM, I was left wondering why did you chose the title as Wendy. I got it now.

I wish this book becomes a hit. It must be! Is it entirely based on the fanfic?

as for this chapter, really kai, You cut your feathers? I don't know what I should say to that.

and one thing, I hate milk so I'd prefer another chapter ;)
Sunset Ezmar chapter 6 . 8/30/2017
This is a short review because I'm a little out of time:
"My head is full of this song from the power rangers." Please tell me if you understand and if you did it on purpose. ;D
Best wishes!
Wanderer's Cynefin chapter 8 . 8/30/2017
For me, this was the best and the most beautiful Chapter of this entire series. Really, it was amazing. I don't know how to express what I felt on reading this, but I loved it to the core. Especially the line where you said about Kai falling in his mother's embrace. It was just one line, but it was so beautiful that... Okay I don't have a metaphor here but you get that idea.
And what was that? Ah. A pocket companion. XD
This chapter gave me as much pleasure as dancing in rain or reading a book on a tree with crimson autumn leaves :)
Guest chapter 8 . 8/29/2017
Omg I cried at the end! Such a beautiful chapter that cabin scene. This series gets better and better and o can't wait for September 1st!
Kat x
Sunset Ezmar chapter 5 . 8/27/2017
I totally agree with Kai in his last remark, where did all the alien mombo jombo come from? Seriously, tell me, did ypu just wake up one day and thought: "those bitbeast are wierd, but let's give them a scientific explanation... Like being ovnis or something..." Seriously, explain that to me because I already have a hard time picturing Kai as a half-bird person and not laughing myself silly.
Still one of the best cartoon based story that I have read, don't worry.
And Tyson... Well, I expected no less from him. He deserves a Nobel for keeping everyone sane.
Best wishes! Read you soon!
Wanderer's Cynefin chapter 7 . 8/25/2017
Yeah yeah... Sinking sinking sinking...gone.
Is that what a fire-breathing-human-bird like you have do when he's in water Kai? XD XD XD

Seems like life is really harsh on our heroes. At this point, I just hope they reach an island alive. Oh, the throw was awesome. Finally, Max grew up! XD XD

PS: sorry I'm somewhat in a mixture of moods my review won't entirely make sense! XD
Guest chapter 7 . 8/22/2017
Thank you for another wonderful chapter I can't wait to see what happens to them all next. Poor Kai he really hates water now! Also thank you for making yourself available to find on Facebook, I've dropped you a request so nice to meet the person behind the words on here :)
Looking forward to this surprise too!
Kat x
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