Reviews for Why am I persecuted!
Mistral.D.Wind chapter 7 . 1/21
Thank you I have really love this chapter it was so fun and the thought of snape was hilarious and how he describe Tom and Harry friendship like the one james and sirius had was lovely. I also like to see Harry and Tom holiday together a good idea so not to make Harry return to the dursley and I can't wait to see their relationship bloom. thank you for writing thid and your effort!
Mistral.D.Wind chapter 5 . 1/21
Ahhh! The name of this story is so fitting and this is exactly what everybody after an horrible day need. Thought nonetheless I wonder now will Tom this time be the saviour of the world because if that that will be icing on the cake! Or what he will make his other self sane again? I really love your story!
Mistral.D.Wind chapter 5 . 1/21
Oh My Good God! Up until now everything is perfect! The way the canon that all of us knew, reversed! I'm officially literally in love!
And I love your Harry and Tom. But I have a question I'm a bit lost about Tom appearance since now that he is a Granger and took hermione place I don't know how to picture his appearance. It would be cool if we have a description of how he look like.
TheOncomingStormAndHisBadWolf chapter 7 . 11/27/2019
I hope you decide to continue the story. I love it.
magibear chapter 7 . 11/9/2019
I'm dying omg Snapes worst nightmare omg I'm choking laughing lamo
Mor chapter 7 . 3/2/2019
Poor Snape... I never thought that would ever say that about Snape... Brrr.

Lestat/Tom dear, you’re a Snake for Circe’s sake *claps* keep-track-of-your-priorities.
DraconicBaguette chapter 7 . 1/16/2019
This is highly amusing, especially Tom’s (Lestat’s? Voldemort’s?) thought process and reactions. I’ve had to bite my lip a few times to stop from bursting out with laughter.

Poor Snape, though. He’s so confused, he might loose his mind before the year is over!

Looking forward to more!
Lady among the trees chapter 7 . 1/8/2019
Lol. Can't wait to read more! loved it!
wildcat1144 chapter 7 . 1/8/2019
He must have that he was the only one! After all why would you ever think there was another of yourself? Anyways great chapter thank you!
Guest chapter 7 . 1/5/2019
Oh no dont tell me Harry is gonna Crush on snape...also Tom u better protect Harry from ur other self
gginsc chapter 7 . 1/5/2019
I love this story! It is so easy to read. It just flows. You are very skilled.
AnimeLover229 chapter 7 . 1/5/2019
Hahaha poor Severus, Harry making him uncomfortable. Also I feel like Tom-Tom is just done with all this shit.
Color o life chapter 6 . 10/7/2018
Due to your absolutely marvelous other fic I naturally decided to check out your other works and dare I say it I’m an even bigger fan of this one if that was at all possible! I can almost feel myself slipping into fangirlish drivel! The characters are amazing, the way Harry and Tomm feed off eachother, The absolutely adorkable Grangers, the natural alteration of Tom’s worldview with the new experiences, Drake the Ultimate Comic Relief, Harry’s Snape obsession.. (I’m really looking forward to Severus’ reaction to that one!) all in all not a part I didn’t like. Thanks for the work you put to make this as fun and entertaining as it is. I’m looking forward to future installments of this one too. Have another pleasant week :)
RavenclawGryffindor35 chapter 6 . 9/11/2018
This is really good! I wonder how Professor Snape will react to becoming Harry's favorite teacher.
Aspiringgaybean chapter 6 . 9/6/2018
Great so far! Keep up the great work.
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