Reviews for Just a Summer Fling
averyeve5 chapter 31 . 5/26
I discovered this story two days ago and OMG this sj absolutely brilliant. Can't wait to read more of it.
MelissaGarden1996 chapter 31 . 5/16
Absolutely love this story is so different from a lot of the others I’ve read! I read all of it in a day (much better than the uni work I was supposed to do) can’t wait for the next update!
AlyakT chapter 31 . 5/4
this is such a great story! I do hope you update soon!
Love.Fiction.2020 chapter 31 . 4/12
Oved it. Glad they are happy together now.
Marlene Minerva Black chapter 30 . 4/10
Finalllllyyyy, they got together. This was so good. You gave them the perfect ending or the beginning I should say.
I am Sorry I reading this chapter so late. I just got held up in something and missed the last update. But you just killed it. Thank you so much for such a beautiful chapter.
Excusememrbarnes chapter 30 . 4/2
Love this soooo much!
grueneHimbeere chapter 30 . 3/29
I'm so sorry that my review comes so late. I read this chapter immediately after receiving the notification but had some work to do for uni and decided to write the review after being done with that and didn't get around it till now. I really am sorry!
Thank you so much for the shoutout, it is great to see how something I write can really affect somebody somewhere else. I am happy I could inspire you a bit. I just hope my comment has not interfered too much with your original idea for the chapter...
That said, I really, honestly enjoyed this chapter so much. You literally wrote it as if you exactly knew what I was thinking and hoping to read.
I am so excited for the next chapter, I'm looking forward to see how the others will react to this big step in their relationship.
Also, don't worry about Marlene and Lily being a little bit upset about it. They don't really know Beth, so it's quite realistic that they are still a bit wary of her! Especially if Marlene and Sirius have some history together!

Thanks again for the update and the shoutout!:)
Love.Fiction.2020 chapter 30 . 3/27
Loved it.
Guest chapter 30 . 3/25
Aaaaaaaah! I LOVE this chapter. I love the plot and character development and especially the interaction between Tonks and Remus
Lillian Lovegood 511 chapter 30 . 3/27
I think I screamed when Tonks came. Oh God...oh my God. I JUST REALIZED HOW SIMILAR SIRIUS AND BETH'S LOVE STORY IS TO REMUS AND TONK'S! I can't wait for the next update.
Ps I'm new here and literally finished all 30 chapters in a matter of one day so I can't tell you how amazing this story is!
lil-anon chapter 30 . 3/25
I’m so happy to get two updates in such close proximity! Amazing as always! I love how you write the dialogue of all the characters, it all flows so naturally! Hope you’re staying safe and well!
beaniebun chapter 30 . 3/25
FINALLY they’re back together :’)
Purplestan chapter 30 . 3/25
This chapter was so cute
lotttieifif chapter 30 . 3/25
rabradley09 chapter 30 . 3/25
Bahhhh you were killing me with the Tonks interruption lol. Good chapter :) I’m scared to see people’s response to her staying and them being together
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