Reviews for Preventing Destruction
Lady Galaxious chapter 22 . 1/18/2019
Great story. Would love to see you publish more chapters!
AlyssaSenpai chapter 22 . 5/11/2018
This is a pretty interesting story so far. I hope you continue writing it.
GooLord chapter 22 . 2/5/2018
There’s an app?!
GooLord chapter 21 . 2/5/2018
Welp, Fordsie’s dead.
GooLord chapter 11 . 2/4/2018
He gon get attached and 8-ball gonna come back and be all “aren’t you comin back?” And bill’l Be all “yeah just gimme some time” and shiet and the other henchmen are gonna catch on an they gon try to kill bill.
GooLord chapter 9 . 2/4/2018
Jesus, thank god I actually thought Ford was gonna do some crazy shit like sever Bill’s arms and legs or something.
GooLord chapter 2 . 2/4/2018
I once read a human!bill fanfic where he ate their pet Axolotl and promptly became very sick afterwards... it was actually pretty funny.

Anyways love the story so far!
Kenn chapter 22 . 1/7/2018
So wait, Bill got the goop, right? S'all good? The stuff worked?- wait- god dammit what was the goop even for, again? I have the WORST memory, Jesus, I'm gonna have to go back and refresh this brain o' mine.

ANYWAYS, oh my god, I was pretty sad about the dragon dying because, ya know, dragons are GODS CHILDREN the most MAGNIFICENT and DIVINE creatures on the planet- but, at the same time, so's Bill!, haha, am I right?! Lol but I AM really happy to see that Bill and Ford are now proud parents ;3; 3
SaltyApple chapter 22 . 1/5/2018
Just a heads up, many others were apparently sharing your uploading problem, so it was most likely not your computer Yay for baby dragons! I’m so excited to see Dipper and Mabel’s reactions!
KilluaKagura chapter 22 . 1/5/2018
I love your stories, and yes, I have the app. Had it for about 6 months now. It's better than having to type everything over again if you mess up
Dysphoric-Asshole chapter 21 . 1/5/2018
I have the app. Also this story is amazing!
Guest chapter 21 . 12/11/2017
uh oh...
I do not know what to say...
Brenne chapter 21 . 12/8/2017
OH NO! FORD WAKE UP! Oh dear! I gotta see what happens next! Looking forward to more! XD
Zephyr169 chapter 21 . 12/8/2017
Oooohhhhh I like it hehehehe - excited for the next installment!
Quiet Leaf chapter 20 . 12/1/2017
Well, we'd better hope this dragon slime works. Also, I say YES to more action! :D
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