Reviews for Captured
Hannah Gibson chapter 47 . 8/12
Is the story gonna continue?

I HOPE so!
2025hgibson chapter 47 . 8/12
OMG this story is soooooo good

I’m triggered by the cliffhanger. Thx for that.
Plz continue this PLZZZZ I’m begging u

This story is so emotional but I still haven’t cried yet!
Keep up the good work!
Nutella Swirl chapter 47 . 7/16
Fluffy :D
Haha you're good! Honestly I've been more obsessed with other shows as of late, but hey I'm glad you updated this one :)
Hope you're doing alright!
Guest chapter 46 . 6/22
Shuuush dude
Looking forward to the next chapter
Guest chapter 46 . 4/24
Hi, how are you doing? I've missed this story and hope you update it soon.
At the beginning it felt so weird, with everything going on in Leo's head. Well, it still kind of does, but that's exactly what makes this story so unique and interesting. There was a time when it was a little slow and I admit I almost lost interest, but then it picked up the pace and we got this amazing action going on with Raph and Leo captured, and I need to know what happens next. So yeah, just wanted to give you a friendly nudge to continue this story :D
Take care
Nutella Swirl chapter 46 . 11/29/2019
Ohhh nooooo! :'(
So well written! Just hope Leo becomes back to normal soon.. I wish...!
Shelly Hamato chapter 46 . 11/23/2019
I really love this story! Is this the first time that Leo’s alternate personality has so omen directly to Raph?
Drumboy100 chapter 46 . 11/16/2019
A great scene of R/L post-argument regrets, each turtle thinking it because they are too macho to communicate about feelings to each other. Maybe that will change when they reunite. This reminds of the scene in the original movie when Raph wakes up in the bathtub and just says, "Leo, don't," yet this story explores the question, "What if more DID need to be said?"
JillieBean073 chapter 45 . 10/2/2019
Woah. This story just keeps getting better and better! Plz continue your amazing story!
TMNT-Queen chapter 45 . 9/30/2019
dayum...Karai, you twisted little witch.
Nutella Swirl chapter 45 . 9/30/2019
Oh no no NO! The doppleganger is back! D: ahhhhhhh!
Great chap though!
Nutella Swirl chapter 44 . 9/4/2019
I'm glad you're okay after the fire!
But thanks for updating, this was realllly good. Really hope Leo and Raph will be okay and that Don and Mike will find them... yikes about Karai D:
Great writing tho!
Nutella Swirl chapter 43 . 5/24/2019
Awww, it was supposed to be a happy patrol... :(
But hopefully Mike and Don can help them soon!
Great chap, and don't worry about updating, I myself haven't been very good with that whoops
dani-curtis-16 chapter 43 . 5/23/2019
AHHHHH! That cliffie hurt! Please update soon! PS I love the passionate writing in your stories, keep up the great work!
Stay Gold,
Sairey13 chapter 42 . 3/23/2019
…Will there be a possibility, that Leo might commit Seppeku? In fearing 'it' will force him to kill his family, and believing to being the only way to save them from himself?
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