Reviews for Side Job
vrskaandrea chapter 2 . 1/11/2019
Loved this whole story, every last bit of it.
Black Fungus chapter 2 . 6/22/2018
Team Flannel ! I LOL and for a story to do that, thanks. I like that Crowley came to help. That's who would be called. All things demon. I do not see Mary doing all that hand in hair thing. That could just be me. Thanks.
XYZArtemis chapter 2 . 5/15/2018
Lovely job!
Blondie 20000 chapter 2 . 5/1/2018
I loved this story. I rarely read hurt\comfort stories because I'm more into humour stories but I decided to give it ago.

I love Crowley. You got him spot on. I burst out laughing when he said "I pictured you burning on the ceiling." Lol that was a nice thing to say Crowley.

I love interactions between him and Cas. I loved their partnership in season 12 they are hilarious together.

Of course Crowley had to leave Mary and Cas with the hellhound. I can imagine him doing that .

Omg Cas got hurt he got poisoned. He went through all that just because he wanted to save Mary. My heart broke when Cas was going through all that pain in the motel, all those screams it was devastating to read. I hate seeing Cas hurt.

Aww I loved seeing Mary's mothering side taking care of Cas. I'm glad she stayed with him and tried to get him through the night. I'm glad she got Crowley to come over and help.

Crowley saves Cas again. Thanks Crowley. I'm happy Mary thanked him. The boys rarely thank Crowley. We know Crowley does care for the boys and Cas I'm his own way.

I loved the relationship between Mary and Cas in this story. I love that she considers him as family and Cas considers her as family as well.

I wish we saw more of that relationship in the show. I wish we saw more of that side of Mary in the show.

Fantastic emotional story. Loved it :)
hor-or chapter 1 . 11/4/2017
I like it very much!
8.Years.Of.Silence chapter 1 . 9/8/2017
Oh, Cas!Whump. It's the best. And I love that the added element of Mary to the show gives us all something to add to the whumpage. Nicely done and thanks for sharing!
TheTardyOwl chapter 2 . 8/22/2017
Love Mary taking care of Cas! You wrote them so well!
Celtic Knot chapter 2 . 8/16/2017
That was a fun read. Your characterizations are excellent, especially Crowley, and the plot reads like an episode of the show. Well done! Also, I loved seeing Mary mothering poor Cas.
Lisa chapter 2 . 7/13/2017
Its so sweet how Marry takes care about Cas :). I also like your Crowley, i think you realy get his character well. Looking forward to your next story. They are all so good.
Snovolovac chapter 2 . 7/12/2017
my phone shuffled hey jude while I was reading this. Need I say I love this? Because I do and you probably know that already xD I'm excited for friday!
zendog chapter 2 . 7/11/2017
Great insight into Castieland Mary's relationship. Castiel'svulnerability and fear are presented so well - moving but not drippy. Adda King of Hell into the mix and you have a wonderful story.
SPN Mum chapter 2 . 7/11/2017
Wow, those wounds that were poisoned from the hellhound's saliva were sure hard on Cas! I'm glad that Mary insisted Crowley come help him. He did owe them after all, for killing the hellhound. Crowley came through with the information on Sam and Dean that he promised too. This experience might have been scary and tough on Cas and Mary, but it seems to have brought them closer together too. Sam and Dean will be pleased to see that, once they're all back together.
SPN Mum chapter 1 . 7/10/2017
Of course Crowley would take off after securing the demon, leaving Cas and Mary to hunt the hellhound. He could have come back to help them too, but he didn't. I imagine he will show up again once Cas is incapacitated by the poison, if only to make sure the hellhound has been dispatched. He will be lucky if Mary doesn't punch him for leaving them with the difficult part of the hunt! lol I hope Cas will make it through the effects of the poison without Mary needing to take him to the hospital.
Aini NuFire chapter 2 . 7/10/2017
Sometimes I wonder if you and 29Pieces are way meaner to Cas than I ever am, LOL. A bathtub full of holy water?! Poor Cas. I liked that Mary was there for him, though. After their brief conversation about not feeling like they belonged in 12x3, I was really hoping the show would give us more of that relationship. Which of course they didn't. Good thing there's fan fiction. *g* And yay for Crowley being sorta helpful, haha. (I enjoyed him getting splashed there a bit. ;p) Such a lovely piece of h/c and shameless whump. Thanks for writing and sharing it! XD
29Pieces chapter 2 . 7/10/2017
My poor Cas! :( Thank goodness he pulled through (and Crowley saves the day again, LOL!) I love seeing him be tended to and taken care of the way he deserves. So painful, but so lovely. Thank you so much for sharing this!

Team Flannel, LOL...

Can't wait for Friday! :D
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