Reviews for Chuck vs The Jump
tpowe15 chapter 25 . 4/23
Love your story! Hope to be reading more soon!
baldcoder chapter 25 . 4/7
Great update. I'm ready to read more.
CraigBes007 chapter 25 . 4/2
really story here hope to see more thanks
Mike B chapter 25 . 3/30
Yes, it turned out ok, the only way it had to be the resistance the Nazis were trying to kill the them was because their was no kids. Good job and thank you.
Amelia Wolfson chapter 25 . 3/29
So are we assuming that Max is Jan's 'adopted sonwink, wink"?

I liked this little chapter, thank you for updating.
Tigertod chapter 25 . 3/29
Great so far! Love the fact that u have no angst in your stories about them! As I have said in other reviews I believe they used way to much angst on the show! I believe just like Willie Garvin stronger together than apart! I also believed Graham should be viewed more as a mentor than an enemy for Sarah.
lancemanion chapter 25 . 3/29
Director Carmichael: I'll always read your Chuck and Sarah stories, so thanks. And, these stories bring me a bit of enjoyment in what's otherwise becoming a pretty depressing situation. So, I'm pretty sure there are others like me who don't review often, but really appreciate your writing and effort!
Crazzywally chapter 25 . 3/29
When we think about unusual and weird times, both times have faced the difficult times. The more things change the more they stay the same, or just repeat themselves. As for Chuck and Sarah, their lives will change and repeat.
ReaderNotAWriter85 chapter 25 . 3/29
Awesome chapter. Really amazing story. I absolutely love it. Thank you for sharing this with us
Mike B chapter 24 . 3/28
Good one. I liked the jump part deux ,especially when Chuck pushed her out. If you have never parachuted out of a plane, it is both exciting and terrifying at the same time, especially the first time. I was in the Air Force as a jet mechanic ( crew chief ) on a KC- 135 aircraft and had to fly with my plane ️. I was what the called in flying status. Anyways, good job .
Mike B chapter 23 . 3/28
Yes,they got a honeymoon in Scotland ( lots of fluff, love it ) . Now to Holland and jump 2. Thank you. I have also read “ the road “ at least 3 times. I read it to keep it fresh while hoping you will finish it.
Mike B chapter 22 . 3/27
I am reading this so, please continue . I was wrong, Bryce didn’t turn to the dark side but, indirectly he did get them captured. I was right, Chuck saved them . Until next chapter, thank you
Mike B chapter 21 . 3/27
Is Bryce a bad guy? It would figure if Bryce was to be the guy to turn them in to the Nazis. The Nazis are in trouble if they hurt her . Chuck will do what ever he needs to do to rescue her just like she would for him. Good job, keep them coming.
baldcoder chapter 24 . 3/26
Excellent story. I'm really liking it.
baldcoder chapter 21 . 3/25
A fantastic story so far! I like it when Chuck and Sarah are written about in history. These are some of my favorite fanfics.
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