Reviews for HTTYD: Riders of Berk
Guest chapter 27 . 6/14
Please, please, please Update soon. I really want to read the rest of of your series. It’s really amazing.
Yuuguregurl21 chapter 6 . 4/9
This is such a great story no matter how many times I've read it but when are you going to update?
MadameMirage77 chapter 27 . 11/18/2019
I really hope that this hasn't been discontinued, it's so good!

Love the way you've characterized all of the characters and differentiating them from their canon counterparts too! Especially Snotlout. Instead he's ... flirting with his cousin. I don't know how to feel about that, honestly.
Guest chapter 27 . 5/31/2019
Love your story. Please update soon
Aspylady chapter 27 . 5/10/2019
I lost track of this story but I think a better name for the Jensons is the “Jerksons.” Lol
London201516 chapter 27 . 3/29/2019
I love this story! Please update when you have time. I really like Hiccup’s characterin this, Asher’s too.
Guest chapter 27 . 3/17/2019
Plz update soon
Cheerleaderhenni chapter 1 . 12/24/2018
Good chapter and I wish you a merry Christmas
Mana chapter 27 . 11/16/2018
Love the alternate plot of having Hiccup confront her bullies instead of Fishlegs and I also like the dynamic going on with Snotlout. As annoying as he is, he is caught between his friends and wanting to be cool. Wedding plans again Snotlout? Well, during those times, while not often, it is common to marry cousins *shiver at the thought*.
Thanks for considering. As cool as she is, it just bothers me that Heather only appears for two episodes in season 1 and was never seen again until Rtte and becomes a reoccurring character. Her personality changed and her background wasn't fully explained. They didn't even show a flashback of how Heather got separated, all she said was that Dagur set her adrift at sea. Details man.
I have a really cool idea for an episode, maybe for season 2? While everyone was focused on training dragons bigger than a yak, they sort of forgot the terrible terrors. Let's say that the terrible terrors are causing little problems and are always taking stuff and causing a ruckus, so typically Hiccup and the gang are assigned to solve the problem on what to do with them. While they're trying to figure out a better outlet for the terrors, Gothi is having a few problems for her age like getting stuff for her medicine by herself, reaching high places (even with her staff), etc etc until getting caught in the mayhem of the terrors. As Gothi watches she then got a great idea of taking the terrors and having them as her assistants? It sounded great in my head and it would also explain why Gothi was surrounded by them in HTTYD 2. Just a thought.
Just finished getting the Riders of Berk comics, now to get the Defenders of Berk. Til next time.
Ilovechips4ever chapter 27 . 11/16/2018
Hi. Like always, your twist and modifications are super great. Seeing Hiccup beat up her bullies. Wow. It’s one of my favorite.

The extra with Torch is cute and I like Trouble. If she continues to take care of so much babies and animals, she’ll need a bigger room. Lol.

I can’t wait to read next chapters.
Althea Sirius chapter 27 . 11/12/2018
So awesome to see an update!
And I know this'll be far in the future, but how will the second movie go?
I think it'd be interesting if Hiccup had an older brother who was taken along with Valka. Just an idea. His partner dragon could be a Woolly Howl.
Anyway, I can't wait for the next update. I always enjoy these chapters!
See ya next time!
IrishDreamer4 chapter 27 . 11/12/2018
I've been waiting for this chapter! I just love how you add the extra characters and more interaction than in the show.
RoseRozu chapter 27 . 11/12/2018
Can't wait for the next episode.

Are you going to write the movies in the httyd franchise?
Doguedolink chapter 27 . 11/11/2018
I think Fishlegs have a auntie or an uncle, because in RTTE he has some little cousins
Yuuguregurl21 chapter 27 . 11/11/2018
Ok, first things first:

Welcome back, and congrats~! As always, your chapter is pitch perfect except you made a few misspellings here and there, forgot to input: "Hang on a minute, Fishlegs, why not let me handle Maarika and the Jensons?" But all in all, it's a great chapter~!

Hope to hear from you again~!
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