Reviews for The Sonic Project
jurassicdinodrew chapter 23 . 6/16
so... is Sonic's brother alive?, and he happens to be Scourge by any chance?, and is Eggman really gone for good?, i have a feeling that Eggman might have had a backup plan in case something happens to him, like maybe created a microchip that contains his DNA and placed it inside a robot that looks like him to make his comeback, like how the Joker did in the Batman beyond movie if you know what i mean, and i wonder... are you planning to ship Tails with CREAM?, i think they make a cute pair like Sonic and Amy do, also will Knuckles show up in the sequel and join Sonic's team?, let's hope the sequel comes soon, also i noticed that Eggman was the only human around... but how did a human like him ended up on Mobius in the first place?, and will there be more humans showing up?, like maybe Tom Wachowski (The Doughnut lord from the 2020 movie) or Chris Thorndyke (Sonic X anime) if you know what i mean, good luck.
NarutoNikeNinja21 chapter 1 . 11/15/2018
I know you finished this story a year ago but OMG that is by far the best story I've read on this site ever. My only criticism is that I wish I could've seen a little more romance but that wasn't the point of this story and u made that clear so I'm not too disappointed. well done. I'll have to check out the rest of your stories
Runaria chapter 2 . 10/30/2018
I found an error figured I would let you know you put sonic instead of blue at this line "Great" SONIC said mentally still great story so far
Heat Salamance chapter 23 . 9/29/2018

I Feel like I watched a movie!
And it was AMAZING!

I had a lot of fun with it!

The action! The drama!

I really like how the story progressed. It was pretty believeable, no sudden jumps or surprises out of nowhere. Like there were twists, but they made sense in hindsight. Like they weren't randomly thrown in. You built up the drama properly and I appreciate that.

I especially like that Amy is the heroine here, and she DOESN'T instantly fall in love with Sonic. There is a slow build up on both sides, and it's nice. (It's clear she takes after Sonic Boom!Amy and Sonic the Comic!Amy more than Game series!Amy or Archie!Amy. I approve!)

And making Tails and Amy siblings was a good choice. I really works well.

And lol, the one time Sonic and Shadow are actually the SAME PERSON, NO ONE RECOGNIZES THEM.

That's great.

I had real fun with this!

I kinda wish that we got to see how the story impacted the Acorns, but repeating the story 3 times would be too much. I don't think there was a better way to have done this. The only real way I could think of would be keeping it a secret, but then we would miss the quality reactions between Green and Blue or Amy and Tails. So, you made a good decision.


And now Manic becomes Scourge. Welp. that sucks Sonic. That sucks a lot. Have fun. :(

I'll be looking out for the sequel!

Thank for writing this story!

It was a RIDE.
Zoggerific chapter 2 . 9/1/2018
Twenty-five years is honestly a ginormous time skip and when considering the logistics of their training is plenty ridiculous.

For example, take Halo which I understand is considered 'hard' science fiction their Spartan super soldiers are trained for a mere eight years from childhood to create the perfect super soldier.

With that out of the way, let's get to the dream sequence was ... confusing perhaps Sonic's imagination on what a real war would look like after literal decades of training.

The training ... oh my goodness. Their training regime would would make Halo Spartan Training look like playtime by comparison.

At this point, I would essentially expect Sonic to be a brainwashed super soldier who irrevocably worships Robotnik as his father figure and heads and shoulders removed from the blue hero we know and love.
Zoggerific chapter 1 . 8/31/2018
Admittedly I'm confused by the addition of human actor names in the story. My understanding is that fanfiction prohibits the use of living actor's names but perhaps I'm misremembering.

Let's get to the opening bit. Jules and Bernadette Hedgehogs are trying to escape from a force of robots and are trying to get their kids to safety. I mean, it's fine if you opened up with an action scene like this. But it's important to establish some background. Perhaps, Jules arrives home to his wife all flustered, complains that unmarked vans have been following him for some time. This creates tension and allows us the audience to be eased into the mood of the story and get vested in their fate.

Repetitive Fight Scene
The word 'robot' is repeated eighteen times in the first fight scene. Audiences find this very disturbing. I would recommend using a few synonyms like an automaton, droid etc to describe the attackers. There is also a lack of good fighting descriptions like shattered glass, broken furniture, feet pounding, heart thumping which distances the audiences from events.

The writing does not seem to properly break-up scene transitions with some warm-up or exposition. In movies, this is a fine approach since a picture tells a thousand words but for a book, an audience needs to be gently eased into a completely different area to avoid confusion.

This story does hold some promise as a superhero movie script but it requires some touch-up and edits.
True Hyper Sonic chapter 23 . 10/29/2017
Congrats on finishing the fic! Eggman is dead, and life goes on. But nice teaser with Scourge at the end: will he be friend or foe? What will happen when Sonic finds out? Find out in "The Sonic Project 2: Know your Enemy!" XD Good work, Sconnie, and hope to see the next one soon!
IT'S NO USE I'M OUTTA USE chapter 23 . 10/31/2017
I have been waiting a loooonggggg time to read these final chapters and holy shit I'm just happy that it's all worked out at the end!

You've had me in the edge of my seat throughout the whole time, as I read every chapter! God, I just can't believe it's the end yet we're having a sequel! !

I can't type out how I'm feeling but dammit you should be super proud of yourself! I'd gladly reread this story a hundred times cos it's so good~~ aaaaaa~~

OOOOOO and thank you so much for the shout out! I'll definitely look forward to reading your future stories with glee~

Thank you very much
Guest chapter 21 . 10/25/2017
I can't wait for the finale! And sorry but i have no ideas for the bachelor party.
wavyinterlude chapter 23 . 10/27/2017
Btw, a few days ago I was telling this guy about your story on Twitter! He says that once he has time he will read your story! And I know he’ll be interested. He’s into this sort of stories. He’s not a SonAmy fan because of the more...crazy fans, but he’ll read good SonAmy fanfiction and good Sonic stories in general. He has a YouTube channel with around 1000 subs, so I hope that he’ll post a video about your story!
wavyinterlude chapter 23 . 10/26/2017
I’m gonna cry a little bit...nooooooo why did it have to end! This isn’t fair! Why did it have to–wait a second...THERES A SEQUEL? That’s amazing! I’m so going to read it! And Green’s alive? This story just keeps getting better and better! Those credits at the end were amusing too, and I really loved the SonAmy scenes. This story was a masterpiece and I am glad I was part of it, even if it wasn’t for a long time but oh well. I still got here in time. You’re very welcome, but honestly it should be me thanking you. Thank you for writing this story. It’s one of the best I’ve read in a while.

Oh well. Still want that movie.
wavyinterlude chapter 22 . 10/26/2017
This chapter was pure anxiety. At one point, I was screaming in my mind “NO CALVIN DON’T YOU DARE KILL SONIC OFF PLEASE DON’T!” But then you killed off Eggman rather than prisoning him which was just as bad. I wanted to see him suffer! There was too much suspense for my own good! And the action! Dude it was a perfect chapter!

Anyway now I should be MOVING ON TO THE NEXT CHAPTER! Oh wait it’s the last I want to cry!
MissMJS chapter 23 . 10/26/2017
Yup. I'm blushing. xD

I'm feeling waaaaay too much right now! Where in hell do I start?
Okay, um, last chapter had the best action! I could envision it and the suspense! Whoo!
This one wrapped things up rather nicely and OH MY GOD THERE IS A SEQUEL! THANK ALL THAT IS GOOD AND JUST! I wasn't ready to say a complete goodbye to this!

Overall, this was amazing!
I find it to be unique that it is written to be like an action movie (I was a bit skeptical at first, but now I just want the damn movie!).
And your writing! I am a die-hard romance girl. Maybe someday I'll fix that, get some new hobbies, but for now... Anyhoo, the way you wrote this and made it all flow, I could've read this without my precious Sonamy! It makes me appreciate the Sonamy you did include all the more!

I'm proud of you for finally sharing this with us, and I am so honored and happy that my support has helped you out! It makes me a blushing, grinning fool to know my opinion and support is so valued, and it absolutely warms my heart to see some of my followers here as well (thanks again, you dears!)

Great job :)
Ella Belle The Writer chapter 23 . 10/26/2017
Aww man its over?! Dude that was sick! You're stories are always well thought out and enjoyable! I can't wait to read the sequel and your next Sonamy one shot, you always right some of the best.
NeckBreak chapter 23 . 10/26/2017
*screaming like a fangirl* scourge is coming for the next story. oh my, i think i see a possible love triangle coming a blue pink and green one.
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