Reviews for Ask OTPtale
justie aberdeen chapter 1 . 10/7/2018
justice was…confused.
while she was taking care of her new found toddler she heard a shriek.
she ran down the stairs "guy-!"
she saw the baby theif run out of the house "what the fuck…"
she trailed off looking at zach "what just happened?"
she sighed after he finishedd his explanation she sighed
"yay…! more drama that we have to fix…"
she walked back upstairs praying to whatever god would listen that the baby theif wouldnt come after her toddler. she noticed her brothers light on so she decided to talk to him "mettaton can i come in…?"
justice aberdeen chapter 93 . 10/7/2018
(man has it been a while! so i know where mark is and i dont know why but he probably wont come back to us so RIP justice)
Kayla chapter 1 . 9/26/2018
Kyle had already planted a forest of banana plants, he had used his female looks to charm his way into getting the plants, but when the spell was lifted, he couldn't tell, so...
"Hey hot stuff, can I have that banana plant of yours?" He wiggled his eyebrows seductively at a man.
"Ew no homo, back off!" The man replied, jabbing Kyle with a hoe. (Hitting a hoe with a hoe- Don't shoot me-)
Kyle then realised he was a guy again and he sighed, "Fun while it lasted." Then he dodged the hoe and stole the banana plant anyways.

*Reply to Zach*
Kayla sighed, but gave a lopsided smile, "We could put bear traps outside the baby's room window. The thief will probably step on it and get caught and if they got out, you'll have their blood." You couldn't tell if she was kidding or not because the smile she gave was both unsettling and warm, like the more you look into her smile, the more you think it's either sinister or friendly and the even more you look you think it's the other kind of smile.
Anyways, Kayla was reading when the spell lifted so it didn't really affect her as much.
Kitkat chapter 94 . 9/11/2018
*a yelp is heard from the bathroom, and a few minutes later Emma walks back out, back to being a girl, and looking a little annoyed*
Really? Couldn’t have warned us? I was taking care of business and all of a sudden I’m working with much shorter range equipment! I came this close to peeing all over myself...
*goes back to her room in a huff and flops on the bed*
Glamprincess237 chapter 94 . 9/10/2018
Ok I guess I can lift the spell...*sighs* it was fun while it lasted...
Zach chapter 94 . 9/9/2018
*response to Kayla while sitting with Chara and the kids eating breakfast*
Well, I Could... in theory, but the problem is, I could do one of three things. 1. Make the barrier to the Underground again, only incasinf our house so we’re stuck in here, 2. Make a barrier that keeps out intruders, but let’s in certain people... the problem there is that I’d need to re attune the thing whenever anyone visits, or take blood or dust from literally everyone we know, which would also take forever and make the kids making new friends WAY more complicated... I can see it now, ‘Hey Guys, can I come play at your house?’ ‘Sure! But our daddy’s gonna need to cut you and take your blood...’
The triplets would never make any friends.
Or 3. I could make one to keep the baby Thief out... but I would need their blood... not so easy to get. They’re slippery.
Well, either way, we got Kaynin back, and that’s what’s important.
*tickles Kaynin and Lily*

*Zara and Zacha come down to the magic room to see me looking through some books and ask what I’m doing*
Hmm? Oh, I’m seeing if I can find a way to get everyone back to normal. By the way, how’s being boys going for you?
*response and chuckles*
Well, with any luck, we’ll be back to normal soon... hopefully, since not everyone was as lucky as your mother to give birth Beforehand.

*magic class*
Alright kiddos! Today, we’re learning Charm... it allows you to convince someone to like and trust you more, and they are more likely to help you or do what you ask. This works better on some people more than others, usually based on how strong willed they are or how much they like or dislike you to begin with. Now then, I’m trusting you with this, and people won’t be able to be charmed to do something they couldn’t ever be convinced to do... so use it wisely. However, for practice today, just try it on people around the house. To use this one, you need to focus magic on your eyes, and make eye contact with your target. Now for proof that this works...
* walks over to Chara who’s eating chocolate and looks at her sweetly*
Chara, Honey, would you feed me some of your chocolate? Pleeeease?
*chuckles and takes a bite when it works*
Gonna be honest, this spell works waaaaay better since I’m a girl at the moment. Nice to have the tables turned for once
*snuggles up to Chara suggestively as the kids go to try out the spell*

(Kid Zach)
*has managed to charm all the babies into liking him as he hugs them all at once*
They’re so cute! Saoirse, look!
(S) *smiles at him/ her* Y-Yeah they are!
*joins in playing with the babies*

(I’d think Charlotte would be really good at this one and may try to charm Cam into some stuff)
Kay but its 3am chapter 1 . 9/8/2018
“Can’t you like, I don’t know, make a spell that stops the baby thief from entering the house? Like a protection spell or something?” Kayla asked Zach when he returned home, she wasn’t well educated in magic since she spent half her life living on the streets and living off with the money Kyle stole so she didn’t know if such a spell existed.

Meanwhile, Kyle stole a banana tree and planted it on a roof, he continued stealing more plants to plant on roofs (not Zach’s roof, or that’d be suicide lol)
Baby Thief chapter 94 . 9/7/2018
*wanders into the woods with the stolen baby and looks at him, wondering what to do now that a baby has been successfully taken... when Zach asks why, sits there and thinks before shrugging*
Unknown chapter 94 . 9/5/2018
*Sherry watches as the Baby Thief takes the baby, waiting for an opportunity to take him herself, but Zach shows up first and walks home with him.*
... I could kill him right now... just a quick stab in the back and... no... his death caused to much suffering for innocents last time. Why does he have to defend the f*cking demons?! Doesn’t he know it’ll just get him hurt someday? Loving a demon just destroys you in the end, because either the can’t love you back, or they destroy everything even if they love it...
*looks at the baby*
... maybe I could... if we started early enough... *leaves, an idea forming in her head*
KitKat chapter 94 . 9/5/2018
(Hey! Missed you guys!)

*wakes up suddenly after passing out on the couch*
...what year is this? What happened?
*someone tells her it’s been like an hour*
... feels like months... well anyway, let’s go cause a bit of mischief!
*giggles and runs off to gather supplies*

*ties a big Whoopie cushion to the exhaust pipe of a car as it drives off, it fills up, and goes around the corner a giant fart noise echos for miles as the whoopie cushion explodes*
*hair gets blown back from the shockwave, she stays silent for a second before falling over laughing*
Woah its Kayla chapter 93 . 9/5/2018
(Oof where are my homies at? COME BACK HOMIES-)
Kayla sat on the kitchen counter and was twirling one of the kitchen knives, she was a little annoyed that she was still a guy, she placed down the knive and slowly slid down the counter. “Ughhh, when are we changing back to our original genders?”
Meanwhile, Kyle placed the bucket of paint on top of the door so it would automatically spill onto the next person who might open the front door, he set off to steal a couple of things since that was how he relaxed. (Will keep you posted on what he stole wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink OW MY EY-)
Zach chapter 93 . 9/4/2018
*wakes up to check the babies after hearing the message, and finds a melon instead of Kaynin*
What?! Melon?! Where’s Kaynin?
*goes to look for the baby Thief*
*finds a paint trail leading into the woods and tracks them down, picking up Kaynin and staring down the baby Thief*
Why do you keep taking our babies?! What is your goal here?!
*cuddles the baby and takes him home*
(Maybe you’ll get some more reviews after a post to alert the people who follow you... Ijust kinda check and reread parts every once in a while, so I see when comments appear... well either way, let me know if you have more ideas to continue with!)
Popculturefan00 chapter 93 . 8/31/2018
Hi, it's the Author here, I haven't updated because I need more reviews to write the next chapter, If you don't, I will just have an Epilogue chapter, but only from the AOTP universe
Zach chapter 93 . 7/9/2018
(Hey, sorry I haven’t been around, I’ve been busy and I kept putting it off. I just wanted to say it’s nice to hear from you again. It’s ok if you wanna stop doing these, I understand. If not though, I’ll still be around to try to give you material to work with. If nothing else, it’s been really fun writing with you over the past year and a half. I’ll be around if you need me!)
Author-san chapter 93 . 7/3/2018
Happy 4th of July everyone!
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