Reviews for Kissed by the Starlight
debygoebel chapter 16 . 3/15
Good chapter
Really really hope that the Doctor doesn't kiss Martha
ELinkA chapter 16 . 3/15
Thank you!
Dreamcatcher56 chapter 15 . 3/13
I thought the chapter had a lot of heart and was a good break before they dive into trouble once more...well done...especially enjoyed Rose telling the Doctor about Tony and the way her and John would play pretend "Doctor" against the aliens.
LilyRose9 chapter 14 . 3/11
Love the way Rose and the Tardis interact! And the Doctors' reactions to their connection in this chapter is perfect!
ELinkA chapter 14 . 3/11
Thank you!
HARLLEN chapter 14 . 3/10
Oh my God! I loved, it was so good when Rose shouted "I died, doctor" i really wait more happening with Rose because i love.
I'm wainting the next.
HARLLEN chapter 13 . 3/9
You updated! good, waiting for the next chapter, I want to see the doctor's reaction when I know that Rose died.
Lordban chapter 12 . 3/3
Nicely woven so far.
MewWinx96 chapter 12 . 3/1
Hi! I just wanted to say that I enjoyed this chapter and I can't wait for the next one! :)
The Doctor Rose chapter 12 . 2/29
MewWinx96 chapter 11 . 2/28
Hi! I just wanted to say that I enjoyed this chapter and I can't wait for the next one! :)
Melikalilly chapter 11 . 2/27
um coding is wrong I can see it
fangirl2217 chapter 10 . 2/23
I knew this story wasn't finished and was last updated long ago. I knew it would kill me that there isn't a proper ending but I read it anyway. Now I'm not sure if I hate myself for reading it anyway or happy because I've read a really amazing story!
I guess you won't continue this story but you should know that if you do, you would make a lot of people really happy!

Oh and btw I LOVED your Donna! Great work there!
caitlin.hendo chapter 3 . 1/23
I really hope you come back to this!
Meggzy chapter 10 . 12/23/2019
Pls update
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