Reviews for Of Spells and Love
sup chapter 4 . 10/8/2017
that was good but i would have liked it if you continued it more
21stCenturyDragonRider chapter 2 . 6/29/2017
YESSSS! MORE CARVIE AND JAL FANFICS! We're BLOWING UP, MAN! Gah, now I want to write more stories than I should be writing right now.
h0neybunny16 chapter 1 . 6/29/2017
this is awesome plsssssssssssssssss update soon :( and omg i love JAL :)
starflight34 chapter 4 . 6/29/2017
Ahh! I loved it! Yay!
Thanks. You're welcome!
This is amazingly awesome! You did a great job! :)
starflight34 chapter 3 . 6/29/2017
I love Evie's thank you and payback! I loved this chapter! Jay better do something. And they better let Carlos know. I loved this chapter! It's really awesome! :)
starflight34 chapter 2 . 6/29/2017
Yay! Jal! Omg! I smiled till it hurt when Jay was admiring Mal! Yay! This is amazing! Great job!
starflight34 chapter 1 . 6/28/2017
Yay! More Jal and what was it... Carvie? Cevie? Cavie? Omg. I've gotta go back and reread this.
Stupid Ben. 'I'm only doing this for the good of the kingdom'... my foot! (Not saying bad words).
You go Jay and Evie! Rearrange his face! Hehe that's not treason right? Oops... I'm not apart of this! Don't have me beheaded Oh King of Auradon. Pfft. You know what I don't care! Jal shall live! Cavie Carvie Cevie... Carlos and Evie shall live! I am SO mad at Ben.
Sorry. Great job and great story! :)