Reviews for Wrong Side of A Love Song
Guest chapter 9 . 8/15
Wow. Christian and the Grey's are assholes...none of them deserve forgiveness. I love Elliot but it pisses me off and I think he betrayed Ana's confidence by helping his asshlle brother. That should be Ana's decision, not his to play matchmaker. I don't see how Ana could ever forgive them. But if course she will be spinless and weak and take him back.
It would be so much better for her fiancee to be alive and Christian has to sit back and watch her be happy and in love with someone else for the rest of his life...someone needs to write that kind of story, not all this fairytale HEA shit, but something real life. Christian fucks up all the time but never has to suffer for his mistakes..
He always gets his way because all he cares about is himself.
Guest chapter 28 . 8/9
This was a good story. I commend you for starting a story and finishing it within a few months after publishing on this site. Not much writers are that dedicated to a story and their readers. I always like to read completed stories because once I start and the story is good, I cannot wait until a writer has an update which for some could take weeks, sometimes months. So I applaud your dedication to this great story! I don't agree with some readers who wanted Ana to have more of a "backbone" and reject Christian and the Greys. I mean if you don't have her forgive them at some point, what's the point, we wouldn't have a story - the storyline would get stale if she just sat with a grudge. I was a little annoyed with the daughter's name Bailey. I thought the character Chloe (Luke girlfriend) should be Bailey and the kid name Chloe - more suitable name for child. But at Chapter 29, it has grown on me now. I swear I thought the person trying to kill Ana was Reynolds then after the restaurant incident, I realize it wasn't him. I did suspect Barney but in all the FSOG Fan-fiction, he was never the bad guy. It was always Luke, Ryan, Reynolds or Jack. Interesting take on Barney. How come A&C first time together since they got back together (sexual moment) you did not play out that scene, instead you did next morning? I have to say all the stories I read with Ana pregnant and running away, she was pregnant with Christian's child so this was a new direction to read how he would parent someone else's child - refreshing new angle to that scenario. I did feel some parts of story was being rushed because if you played it out to the fullest then it would most likely be longer than 31 chapters so when I saw the depth of the plot and only 31 chapters I had a feeling things would jump ahead quickly. Out of all the characters, I loved Elliot but I always love him he is funny and breaks up the tension in the right places. I feel like Luke and Taylor took more to Ana but it was Elloit and Christian that really took to little Bailey and their true love for the child shined through. Glad Elliot found Vanessa, he doesn't always have to be with Kate. He deserves someone loving, not pretentious. Good story. I noticed your other written stories are short or not completed. Wish you wrote more longer ones so we could lost in them like this story. I am looking forward to the last few chapters and then I will hold onto this story as I plan to read it again.
sarabo chapter 31 . 7/28
Thank you so much for this wonderful story! Since it was finished 3 years ago I didn't review, but all I could give you was encouragement to continue. I know many of the authors you thanked and have read some of their stories. Take care at this awful time and keep safe!
Cej chapter 31 . 7/15
Totally enjoyed each and every chapter. The characters are great. You do a great job with EL James story characters. Who can't love Christian Grey and Ana Grey
CLHB chapter 31 . 7/7
Wonderful story! Thank you, thank, thank you.
Guest chapter 13 . 6/17
sorry but hun, ana gives in too easily.
emtasicay19 chapter 28 . 2/23
I'm surprised I read this far after you had Ana giving into the Grey's so easily. They don't deserve it and they definitely don't deserve Ana being the bigger person and hugging them and calling her daughter their granddaughter. I thought this story would show Ana with a little backbone.
Guest chapter 21 . 2/11
How can Elliot tell Christian this wasnt his fault?. Its all his fault. Ana was so right...she is paying for the inhuman way he treated women.

His 50 shades of fuckedupness is causing this. He is toxic to everyone.

She and Bailey are innocent in all of this. Christian needs to go away.
Guest chapter 16 . 2/11
Seriously how can Ana feven think about forgiving him and the Grey family?
When she saw him at the bar she should have turned around and walked out, letting him know she didnt want to be anywhere near him. Now her life and her daughters life is I danger because of the crazy baggage that he brings to the table...he is just not worth all the shit that comes with him. Cant he see that all he does is bring nothing but bad to everyone he comes in contact with? He is a selfish, inconsiderate ass...he wants what he wants and doesnt think about how his presence in her life can bring harm to her and the baby. And his security team is as worthless as it comes.
This is looking like it's going to be another weak, spineless Ana story...she gives in and he gets what he wants, always. Even her dad is a idiot for encouraging Christian to keep trying.
MrsHoityToityLady chapter 31 . 1/18
I've reread your story again. It is very good however your Ana is certainly more forgiving than I would be. I definitely would not name my child after someone who caused me so much hurt. I can't get over how easily she forgave them including Christian.
Linda Dockery chapter 1 . 9/6/2019
Oh my God what a manipulative bitch Elena is how could Christian believe the pictures and listen to Ana? Yeah I bbn know the pedo has him so fricking by brainwashed that s hff e helped him ge can't see what he has until she is gone
Love it
donnalouiseadkins chapter 27 . 6/7/2019
SMEADE chapter 31 . 6/5/2019
Thanks for this amazing story loved reading how you got these two people back together again. Their love for each other is forever. Great read...
SMEADE chapter 30 . 6/5/2019
Everything will work out but Ana needs to take care of herself while she’s pregnant.
SMEADE chapter 29 . 6/5/2019
Anastasia is pregnant and Christian is the happiest man alive. The only woman he has ever loved will be having his child. Hope it’s a boy.
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