Reviews for Jaune of Lantern
WearyCurmudgeon chapter 1 . 2/23
- Oath
If you ever do decide to continue this one, then I suggest tweaking the following as it doesn't scan very well, unlike the official oaths.

*When all seems lost and dark, look within your heart

For there is always a light, Arc Lantern's Oath!*

"When all seems lost, to those who revel in darkness's delight

Look within your soul, so the Arc Lantern may make things right."

Keep the rhyme scheme in mind: Night, Sight, Might, Light for Green vs Night, Ignite, Light and Bright for Blue.

Most people would use the "heart" terminology, but this is Remnant with its Aura, so referring to the "soul" makes more sense.

- Weapon Use
Rather than using a bat vs. the Grimm Dragon, he should've created a hammer and then going: "To quote Nora, it's Hammer Time!". ;-P

- Rings
Also a bit surprised that Pyrrha didn't end up with a a certain pink/purple (whatever colour it is) ring.

"Pyrrha Nikos, You have the capacity to feel great love. Welcome to the Star Sapphires."

"Oh, Jaune... I'm thirsty.."

"Uh.. I need an adult here.."

"Well, I just had my birthday last month, so I am an adult."


*Sound of a zipper being opened.*

"Time for my medicine."

Remember the old adage, the more bitter the medicine, the more effective it will be.

Guest chapter 1 . 11/28/2019
Guest chapter 1 . 10/14/2019
Dude you sure you are not continuing this story it's really good
Jambroseking chapter 1 . 4/24/2019
Please make this a molty chapter store I love the concept and the way you did it
GXY-2013 chapter 1 . 11/14/2018
If anyone really wants to adopt Jaune of Lantern, there will be additions and changes.

1. Salem and the rest of her inner circle became part of the Sinestro Corps, though Cinder still be the first to join the Sinestro Corps after the Yellow Lantern Ring found her. Salem would be Sinestro's first lieutenant while Cinder becomes his second lieutenant.

2. Adam Taurus and the rest of his loyal White Fang supporters became part of the Red Lantern Corps, and he became Atrocitus' lieutenant.

3. A change to the story is that Jaune Arc will be the one who faces Cinder instead of Pyrrha, as he immediately pushed her into the rocket-powered locker. The story should follow the inspiration from Jaune of Hearts, which it is now azndrgn's best story. Now the question is whether or not Jaune become the first ever Cyan Lantern, or if he becomes the Green Lantern instead.
pensuka chapter 1 . 6/8/2018
ok now im curious
merendinoemiliano chapter 1 . 1/10/2018
You've almost always cool ideas
GXY-2013 chapter 1 . 7/19/2017
I hope that somebody will adopt this story, and expand it. Salem would probably gain the Black Lantern Ring. Just saying.

Are you familiar with Ultraman? If so, I could give you some ideas. Like Jaune of Lantern, it will be a one-shot.
hirshja chapter 1 . 7/12/2017
I like this, but just one thing, Adam wouldn't be much of a threat to Jaune, the light of a blue lantern can purify a body of the red lanterns power.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/11/2017
Please expand this into a full story. Introducing aura to D.C. would be epic! Aura for the human members of the JLA would be a great boon. I wander what Batman's semblance would be.
AryanGodJaune chapter 1 . 7/8/2017
"Cinder had bitch-slapped Ruby into Pyrrha."
Aiellord chapter 1 . 7/1/2017
You have a sick and twisted mind. That said, this has inspired me to do a Ren as Green Lantern oneshot
Well-Written-OP-MC chapter 1 . 6/29/2017
The Green Lantern references are really strong for this to be in the regular section.

This story needs to go in the Crossover category unless you bundle it together with other non-crossover one-shots.
Azumadofu chapter 1 . 6/27/2017
This one remind me of a crossovers of RWBY and GL called "Emerald Knight Rising". It's a one shot made by Kung-fu Blaziken, but instead Jaune, it's Pyrrha who be chosen in that story.

If you not planning continue any of these story, I think it's best to combine them all together in an one shot collection.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/26/2017
a jaune of
one shot collection sounds nice
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