Reviews for Charitable Beginning
Dragon lord Syed 101 chapter 18 . 5/29
huh nice to see this again good chapter
D2n chapter 17 . 7/6/2019
D2n chapter 1 . 5/23/2019
sir/miss please don't leak all of your ideas into the story just in one chapter like what you do to Yang and here again with Qrow and Jaune mom, you can do it step by step or slightly mention and make us curious to what actually happen, you can make some flashback or juat mention what really actually happen after they meet with Jaune or Ruby and the Gang who she attack with her friends or when Qrow meeting with Jaune mom, you know like "Hay we meet again, how you head?" or "your mother and me have some story in the past, she more like sister to me than my real one" or something like this.

and thanks for the new chapter and keep healthy!

And its just what on my thought though?.
D2n chapter 16 . 5/23/2019
sir/miss please don't leak all of your ideas into the story just in one chapter like what you do to Yang and here again with Qrow and Jaune mom, you can do it step by step or slightly mention and make us curious to what actually happen, you can make some flashback or juat mention what really actually happen after they meet with Jaune or Ruby and the Gang who she attack with her friends or when Qrow meeting with Jaune mom, you know like "Hay we meet again, how you head?" or "your mother and me have some story in the past, she more like sister to me than my real one" or something like this.

and thanks for the new chapter and keep healthy!

And its just what on my thought though?.
Guest chapter 16 . 5/19/2019
Ruby’s voice actress was still looking for a proper voice for the character since she was new to the job. Ironically, her first voice for Ruby was more fitting than the one she latter settled for.
FireIce90 chapter 2 . 5/19/2019
"Monty above", yeah not going to read your story. Monty is not a god. He's not part of RWBY lore. It is very disrespectful to his memory to put him in your fic as a deity. RWBY has established actual gods, which you ignore.
JustManySue chapter 16 . 5/12/2019
I like this story
LillyFlow chapter 1 . 4/20/2019
Alright not even gonna bother reading this and I'll fully admit it. You need to seriously evaluate that holier-than-thou mentality youve got going. i mean "as a favor to you and myself" seriously? First of all ive read a plethora of fantastic stoies on this site and none are by you so again work on the ego my friend. Whether you think you're better than most other writers or not putting uncalled for drags at the beginning of a chapter is a stupid way to garner fans to read your stories that you think are ao amazing.

In short chill the hell out this is fanfiction not some high tier book publishing site people can write what they want at the end of the day and just calling them garbage for it isnt helpful at all.
Dragon lord Syed 101 chapter 16 . 4/20/2019
good chapter as for Ruby her VA probably just wanted to give her own voice so that's how she got it also lancaster is king
Soda-fiedPsycho chapter 13 . 10/4/2018

Weiss is honestly a terrible character through and through.

The only way to make her decent is too completely revamp her background and/or personality. No, both of them. She's the flattest character and the dumbest character in the series. Jaune is high up on the intelligence list, for those who think he's not smart.

There's a difference between intelligence and street smarts/book smarts. Jaune is an intelligent person who's personality and lack of most book smarts and street smarts basically negate his intelligence.

The funny thing is that Weiss is the worst candidate for leadership positions, period.

And she has the right to gloat that she had leadership lessons..
This is a combat school, not your business ethics.
Artjom435 chapter 11 . 8/18/2018
Mhh a strange connection between velvet and Blake through a OC. I think cardin will have some more problems bullying velvet. Can't wait to see the next chapter. This is one of my favorite Lancaster story.
Abel Sephaos chapter 1 . 5/8/2018
Hmm.. this needs some major polishing.
yesseniaperez029 chapter 5 . 5/5/2018
I like this story, but sometimes I do not understand.
THE L0NE WANDERER chapter 6 . 12/1/2017
I love the concept of your story, and some things are handled really well. But you keep changing from 3rd person to 1st without much transition or giving the reader any clue to who it is. I’d work on that some, but otherwise, good work. Lancaster for life.
dandyrr0403 chapter 6 . 11/30/2017
Thanks for the update! your story is interesting, but your writing style is confusing maybe you should find a beta. still keep up the good work! can't wait to read the next chapter.
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