Reviews for Born to be king
johnnyrocker76 chapter 16 . 4/4
Hmmm... So far so forward to seeing how you put this all together.
Keep up the good work.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/15/2018
Abel seems like a Overpowered Self inserts.

In matter facts are OC are overpowered because you purposefully made them stronger then the Canon Chracters.. What is with the power fantasies?
Darth Soulton chapter 5 . 10/29/2017
So, aside from the occasional grammatical errors and misspellings, these are a few things that caught my attention while reading the story.
•The big walls of text throughout your first couple of chapters. I don’t know how many times I accidentally reread the same sentence because the paragraphs were not broken down and looked really cluttered all clumped together. This caused me to stop reading the story a few times out of sheer annoyance.
-You also have multiple dialogues going on in every paragraph that make it very difficult to tell who is talking.
-My suggestion is that you make a new paragraph when someone else begins to speak or something happens.
•Next thing is the Monster Facts. I don’t know why people feel the need to include this but honestly it doesn’t work outside of the manga, especially in a story format.
-The Monster Facts also disrupt the flow of reading the story because this bit of information that has absolutely nothing to do with the story is placed right in the middle of the chapter’s plot.
-I also believe having the Monster Facts bit in stories is against the rules of the site because it could be considered as an interactive entry, but I could be wrong on that one. The rule on interactive entries is not very specific.
-In my personal opinion, I feel there is no need for the Monster Fact bit but if you feel that you really want to keep them then at least put an asterisk by the name, like this for example *mermaid* and then put the fact about the monster at the end of the chapter. This is actually a practice used by many authors when they need to describe a person place or thing.
•The last issue I noticed is your main character. From what I can tell, your OC is using Tsukune as a sort of vessel? I am really confused about that but if that’s true then this is not even Tsukune at all but your OC as Tsukune, in which case is very misleading. It is also a rip off of Moka’s situation which is not very original.
Karol chapter 1 . 6/16/2017
Really interesting story!
But the chapter is soooo long even though I like it :)
Eill be waiting for the next update