Reviews for Fear Not the Psyker--fear the Psyker's FRIENDS
Vanessa Masters chapter 1 . 7/16
Librarian Desmondus stood to his feet, staff glowing. "Cursed are you, vile psyker, for daring to tread the sacred halls of the inner sanctum. Now you who might have tasted the bounties of his blessings shall feel instead the rod of…"

Fubuki gurgled. Tatsumaki screamed, throwing herself against the chains, the wards around her glowing. She saw Saitama's bald head glance over with something like mild curiosity.

A metal arm shot out, blowing superheated plasma straight into a significant-looking bit of metalwork on the ceiling.

And Tatsumaki felt a crack.

Instantly the room was filled with green light. The terminators flew off the floor and smashed into the ceiling, then back into the floor, then scraping back and forth across the floor, armor shredding as the hated "wards" disappeared. Fubuki fell back to the floor, gasping for breath, as the chains snapped free of their moorings.

The collar around Tatsumaki's neck shattered.

Librarian Desmondus had barely time to whimper before he was crushed into a grapefruit-sized ball of metal and flesh. Commander Gaius would have met the same fate, if he hadn't been currently spread over a substantial part of the back wall, bits of armor and circuitry scattered at random intervals in the blood around a fist-sized patch of clean wall in the exact middle.

Saitama lowered his fist. "Man, I was really hoping for more, with that armor." He glanced over at Fubuki. "You good?"

Fubuki, coughing, waved her thanks.


I bet that Librarian is Mortified how quickly he was killed in the afterlife.
Zer Author chapter 1 . 8/9/2019
Kingmaker chapter 1 . 11/28/2018
This is great. As a non-40K nerd I've always been interested by the setting, but turned off by the tone. Too Grim-dark and illogical. Crossovers are pretty much the only way to get something fresh in that mess, and even then they end up weighed down by the ridiculous 'powerlevels' both fanon and Canon of 40k, or dog piled by fans, or both. But looking back at it's beginning...40k is not, and never was supposed to be a serious setting. It is ridiculous and hammy, and best viewed from an outside perspective which OPM happens to be perfect for. Since it is even more ridiculous and hammy.
ptl chapter 1 . 2/1/2018
Saitama One Punches the Dark Grim future of the 41st Millennium! Hahahahahahahahahaha!
Reader25846 chapter 1 . 8/1/2017
Wow This is good REALLY good, I guess it's time to visit spacebattle XD
reality deviant chapter 1 . 6/17/2017
lol! this is Epic! following it here and on SB.